ALL Bible-believing Christians must accept what the Holy Bible, which is the ONLY God-given Authority to the human race, says on this and all matters. Never should a true believer question the Reliability of the Holy Bible, and try to make it "agree" with so-called "science", which is purely man-made! If the Lord says something in the Holy Bible, and we KNOW that This Book IS His Infallible, Inerrant and Perfect Word to us, then this ALONE must be enough. We must NEVER be deceived by the devil to "question" the Lord, as he did to Adam and Even, when he asked them, "hath God said"?, when God had already spoken very clearly to Adam and Eve.
It is VERY CLEAR that the Holy Bible teaches a UNIVERSAL flood, which DID cover the entire earth. The Bible is also CLEAR that this included ALL the HIGH MOUNTAINS, and also adds to make sure there is no doubt, that it was TWENTY-THREE higher than the highest mountain peak:
"And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and ALL THE HIGN MOUNTAINS that are under THE WHOLE HEAVENS were covered. Fifteen cubits above them (23 FEET) did the waters prevail; and the mountains were thus covered" (Genesis 7:19-20)
If there is not a single other reference in the Bible about this (there is), this passage would more than suffice on the question of whether the whole earth, including the highest mountains, was indeed covered. GOD CANNOT LIE!!! YET, there are still those, who claim to be "evengelical", like Bernard Ramm, who in his 1954 book, "The Christian View of Science and Scripture", casts doubts on the Biblical Account of the flood, thereby questioning the very Word of Almighty God!.
I like the KJV for Paul's words to Timothy, "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called" (1 Timothy 6:20)
People are too hung-up on what the "science" text books have to tell us. Let us never forget, that ALL these books, are MANS point of view, they are NOT in any way inspired by God, even those written by good Christains. The Holy Bible is THE ONLY Authority on ALL matters that it Speaks on, and can be believed and relied upon 1 ZILLION % (whateven is the greatest number)!!!