First, why are you stupid enough to “raid” a “meth lab”?
You’re not using the most peaceful method. Think about using safer ways.
Real life is not Call of Duty. You are not in a war zone - please stop acting like it. Believe it not, police are not even in the top ten of dangerous professions.
No they aren’t.
Name a non-cop who got away Scott-free for doing this:
Duty to retreat really has nothing to do with it.
Police woman walks into Dallas apartment shoots black man because she was scared.
Police unload their magazines on 5th Avenue in order to stop some perps - end up hitting half-a-dozen bystanders.
Police empty 60 rounds of ammunition at an Asian newspaper delivery woman. Police were looking for a black man.
With over a thousand killed by police every day (not even counting those shot and not killed), I have numerous examples of police who are trigger-happy.
At that rate 1 out of 25 police end up killing someone.
No, it obviously has not. We have 4 very recent police examples of using unnecessary force. Numerous other examples exist.
Obviously it is not how all police officers are trained. Some obviously still think they need no-knock warrants.
Many don’t reach national news because of white or Asian skin color, video not being released, or local news covering it up.