I don't mind at all when you jump in. This is an open discussion, after all. You are correct in that the means to dry up the entire Euphrates does exist today. For many years, I also thought China's 200-million man army was going to be at the center of the "End Times" events. Now I realize that this was fulfilled in AD 70 with the destruction of Jerusalem.
Balderdash! There weren't anywhere near 200 million people involved altogether in the destruction of J.
The "Days of Vengeance" from Luke 21 is exactly the same as the events Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24 and Mark 13. This is also the same events revealed to St. John in Revelation.
Not at all. Several Jewish factions rebelled against Rome, so the Romans came to wipe them out. J was besieged by Vespasian, but the replacement of Nero by Galba prompted Vespasian to take his army & head to Rome. Remember, Jesus had said when J was surrounded by an army, it was time to vamoose immediately. That siege was NOT that event, as there was some 8 months between V's leaving, ending the siege, & Titus coming with an army to begin a new one, which was successful. So, at that time, the Christians & others had plentya time to flee J. Now, in the future, when an army comes against J, Christians should flee at once, as that army will be mechanized & fast-moving. That's, of course, a future event.
I must disagree, Brother. The Book of Hebrews makes it clear that the Old Covenant system is finished. Why would God allow the Jews to renew their sacrifices when Jesus was the final sacrifice? On the Cross Jesus announced "It is finished".
God has allowed the Jews to continue that system as much as they're able, still rejecting Jesus as Messiah, same as he's allowed the whopping worldwide increase in immorality, sexual sin, theft, murder, & many other sins. They fully intend to resume animal sacrifices when their new temple is built. They're already breeding the animals for it, & have consecrated an altar to be set up in that temple. They've already made the tools to be used in temple rites, & they'll choose priests, likely from men surnamed "Cohen".
We've pretty well beaten that poor horse to death. You haven't proven anything except your ability to repeat your arguments.
I believe 999 outta 1000 other readers disagree with you.
You simply fail to understand the prophecy in the passage. Of course Jesus has not literally returned yet. That does not affect the passage. I've explained what Rev 19:11-21 means at least a couple of times. Since you didn't accept my explanation earlier, I'm not going to waste my time repeating the same argument. To your question, if you could indisputably prove Preterism wrong, I would drop it like a bad habit. Instead, I believe Preterism has indisputably been proven to be true. It comes down to which "proof" you are willing to accept. I was open-minded enough to consider the claims of Preterism, then I prayed and studied about those claims, then I embraced those claims when I realized those claims are true.
Speakinga leading a horse to water...I posted Rev. 19:11-21 so you & every other reader could see what they say. And they VERY-PLAINLY say that when Jesus appears in the sky to return to earth, the beast will be in power, and he & his cohorts will send their army to fight Him, but the beast & the false prophet shall be captured & cast alive into hell. And Jesus will destroy their army by His spoken word, symbolically shown by the sharp sword coming from His mouth. Then, Jesus shall rule the nations with a rod of iron, that is, a very strict rule.
Even YOU admit that event hasn't yet happened, so it's impossible that the beast has already come. All your posturing and excuses simply cannot cover that simple, common-sense fact that a 3rd-grader can see.
There, Hi-Yo Silver, you've been led to GOD'S water, verified by history and reality. There's simply no rational denial of those FACTS.