No, you DON'T know. You cannot show them to us in history. And all the history boox I have aren't wrong. Those events are so big that history couldn'ta missed them.
It's been proven for centuries. The occurrence of those events is NOT found in history. No worldwide great trib, no marka the beast, no AOD, no meteor plunging into the Mediterranean, etc.
The proof has been presented umpteen times. Remember, the prophecies must be fulfilled TO THE LETTER, EXACTLY as originally written. Just being close doesn't count. You CANNOT show us the occurrence of those events in history. The destruction of J & the temple are well-recorded, as are the short list of events I posted yesterday. But the rest are nowhere to be found. You may search the entire internet for legitimate history sites, or any legitimate history book in any library, but it'll be in vain.
And no matter whatcha think, you haven't gotten past the Rev. 19 problem for preterism, which completely erases the goofy notion that Nero was the beast. Symbolism notwithstanding, it's plain that the beast will be in power when Jesus returns, & He will dispose of the beast & his army. The Roman army that destroyed J & the temple, nor their leader Titus, were NOT destroyed, but returned to Rome in triumph. That's well-recorded!
And Gentry, DeMar, etc. are merely quack booksellers, in the manner of Gail Riplinger, Melton, Fuller, etc. They take advantage of people's gullibility, which would be cured by careful Bible & history study.