The mark of the beast will be literal, most likely some sorta microchip. After all how could something symbolis allow people to conduct business?
Some make the ridiculous argument that MCs aren't mentioned in Scripture. GOD KNOWS THAT, & He knew that MCs would be here in the then-future, so He simply called them "marks". (Just as Jesus, knowing what meteors are, said the stars shall fall. He wanted to use language that had meaning to His audience/readership of that time.)
The tech for such implantable MCs exists right now. They can't hold all of a person's financial records, enabling one to do all his banking from it, but they CAN hold all of one's personal info, PIN #s, passwords, etc. And it's only a matter of time before virtually every place of business will have a scanner that can read those implantable MCs.
Recently, several companies offered its employees such implants to contain their PIN #s to allow them to open doors within their business place, access certain computers, etc. THE VAST MAJORITY OF THOSE EMPLOYEES, CHRISTIAN OR NOT, REFUSED THEM ! In a poll, most of them equated them with the marka the beast!
When the beast/antichrist comes to power, the Jews will either already have a new temple in Jerusalem, or it'll be built very shortly thereafter. And the rapture will occur at that time as well. The world will accept the beast's glib explanation of why millions of people vanished, and, with no Christian opposition to the implants, he will hawk them as a replacement for cash & cards, being loss-proof, or theft-proof, with tech to prevent unauthorized reading of them. Soon after the rapture, he will enter that temple in Jerusalem, stopping the daily sacrifices in it, & declare himself to be God, and his sidekick the false prophet will make the implants mandatory.
There'll be some who will realize the rapture has occurred, coming to Jesus & not taking the mark. They'll live a rough existence, having to shop in black markets while avoiding the beast's security forces, who will kill any of them they find.
And ALL who take the mark will be condemned to the lake of fire !
Let's please limit the discussion to the mark of the beast & whether it'll be literal or not. If anyone believes it'll be something besides a microchip, but still literal, please chime in !
Some make the ridiculous argument that MCs aren't mentioned in Scripture. GOD KNOWS THAT, & He knew that MCs would be here in the then-future, so He simply called them "marks". (Just as Jesus, knowing what meteors are, said the stars shall fall. He wanted to use language that had meaning to His audience/readership of that time.)
The tech for such implantable MCs exists right now. They can't hold all of a person's financial records, enabling one to do all his banking from it, but they CAN hold all of one's personal info, PIN #s, passwords, etc. And it's only a matter of time before virtually every place of business will have a scanner that can read those implantable MCs.
Recently, several companies offered its employees such implants to contain their PIN #s to allow them to open doors within their business place, access certain computers, etc. THE VAST MAJORITY OF THOSE EMPLOYEES, CHRISTIAN OR NOT, REFUSED THEM ! In a poll, most of them equated them with the marka the beast!
When the beast/antichrist comes to power, the Jews will either already have a new temple in Jerusalem, or it'll be built very shortly thereafter. And the rapture will occur at that time as well. The world will accept the beast's glib explanation of why millions of people vanished, and, with no Christian opposition to the implants, he will hawk them as a replacement for cash & cards, being loss-proof, or theft-proof, with tech to prevent unauthorized reading of them. Soon after the rapture, he will enter that temple in Jerusalem, stopping the daily sacrifices in it, & declare himself to be God, and his sidekick the false prophet will make the implants mandatory.
There'll be some who will realize the rapture has occurred, coming to Jesus & not taking the mark. They'll live a rough existence, having to shop in black markets while avoiding the beast's security forces, who will kill any of them they find.
And ALL who take the mark will be condemned to the lake of fire !
Let's please limit the discussion to the mark of the beast & whether it'll be literal or not. If anyone believes it'll be something besides a microchip, but still literal, please chime in !