God still does Divine healing today, IF it be His will, does give teachers/pastors/encoragers etc
It is always Gods will to heal. The bible teaches what His will is if you seek. The gospel is always yes and amen, not maybe He will, maybe He won't lol. God bless and thank you for your input.
Is it
always God's will to be healed?
Paul was not healed of his infirmity whatever it was, though he asked three times.
Paul prayed for Timothy's sickness and he wasn't healed. "Take a little wine for thy oft infirmities," he said.
He said, "Trophimus I have left sick at Miletus.
"Epraphoditus was sick, nigh even unto death," Paul testified.
It was not God's will for any of these to be healed. God has his own purpose in sickness, and in infirmities of various sorts. The disciples wondered who was at fault with the blind man in John 8. Was it his own fault, or the fault of his parents. Jesus answered, no, but that the glory of God might be made manifest.
I believe in healing. I have seen God's mighty hand in healing, even miraculously. But that is not the question here. It is not healing, per se. We all agree that God heals. The question is, does God currently give
the gift of healing as he did in NT times. I would have to say no. I have never seen nor heard from anyone in all my ministry of anyone that has this gift. And it would be an "earth-shattering" event if it should happen in our generation.
Here is the the type of thing that would happen if someone today had the gift of healing:
Acts 5:16 There came also a multitude
out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.
There were thousands that were healed--broken bones, cripples, blind, mute, deaf, leprosy, all kinds of diseases.
Look at the verse. They came not only from Jerusalem but from all the cities surrounding Jerusalem,
and they were healed everyone. There was nothing too difficult for Peter, through the Spirit of God, to heal.
That doesn't happen today. That would be the equivalent of one person going through all the hospitals of any given city (especially the ER's) and healing all the sick--putting the hospitals out of business. No one has ever done that. The gift has ceased.