Well-Known Member
I agree that Jesus was not speaking of anything as simple and crass as cannibalism. On the other hand, many would not have left if Jesus was using an equally simple symbolic metaphor that held no real significant meaning except "go to church, eat a cracker, drink a sip of grape juice and try to remember me once a month".Consider that we do not literally drink Christ’s blood or eat His flesh.
I am not changing the subject, put pointing out the parallel. God the Son did not become EVIL, any more than Christians all became cannibals. However God did more than a giant symbolic NOTHING-BURGER when Jesus cried out "My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?" SOMETHING real and significant happened when "he who knew no sin became sin". The details are above my pay grade, but the reality is unmistakable. Our sin is real and it matters and it COST GOD something to redeem us.
Remember the words of David "I will make no offering that costs me nothing." Is God capable of less than a man after His own heart? Just because something is metaphysical, does not make it "not real".
Shalom (peace and well being)
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