Then you haven't been reading me or Allan. You should get out more. :love2:
Better = meritorious, more deserving
But we don't believe faith merits (or deserves) salvation. Did the Prodigal son deserve to be restored as an heir, giving the golden ring, and a party simply because he returned home with his tail between his legs in humble surrender? Of course not. That was all of the father's grace. The son, like us, deserve to be sent to hell even if we have the faith the size of a mustard tree, but God in his grace chooses to credit our seed size faith as righteousness and give us something we NEVER could earn. Faith merits nothing. Responding in humble surrender is weakness, not strength. It isn't boast worthy or 'better,' it is giving up, letting go, and admitting complete and utter defeat. You have wrongly concluded that faith is some of work of law by which we earn God's favor, but that could not be further from the truth.