I didn't say they weren't issue but those are entrenched and comes back to how one understands regeneration/born again. If this is studied out this point, one can ONLY come away holding to one of the two views and the ones you give fall into place.I totally disagree....the main sticking points are Atonement, Mans sinful nature & the level of free will allowed by the creator.....the rest is polite conversation.
There are three questions that must be answered:
Most already agree on 'what happens' at regeneration.
But the other two are imperative to understand as well:
When does it happen? and just as importantly... How does it happen?
This understanding is what colors all the above. How do you describe atonement apart from regeneration, or man's nature? The fact is, it is so totally intertwined that you cannot and thus understanding this point is what we determine on how one views the rest, thus it is colored through this lens.
As for stating you will not be a part of a church nor allow (give permission for your children to marry non-reformed).. one must wonder why you see/seek such disfellowship toward them?
Do you see them as just incorrect (so stay away so you don't get caught up in it) or do you see them as not even being Christians. I know of some reformed guys who see it one or the other. The other (not saved) being much less so, but I have found this to be a generally slow growing consensus in those reformed people I speak to or at least a wondering if they are or not since God will lead His people into truth. <-- this is their take, I'm only making the statement on it. - I'm not saying you hold this but it seems to be something I am seeing a bit more than previously but again, slow growing.