But not the Biblical commands to love their neighbor, and as much as lies in them, to be at peace with all men.
I think that if the people at Westboro Baptist really took His words seriously, they would recognize that they are not acting in accordance with God's commands.
In my opinion, when it comes to "logical ends and perfectionism", you really should take a look at
all sides, and not simply condemn those who believe in God's choice of the sinner to salvation as
automatically being the "bad guys", no matter what you may have heard.
I've seen "Calvinists" go on the offensive, calling the "other side" all sorts of things.
I've also seen "Wesleyan Arminians" and "Traditionalists" tear "Calvinists" apart for their beliefs, not "sparing the whip".
It may not be as well-publicized...
But it still happens
every day, while many "Calvinists" simply sit back and take it.
For example, go on over to a certain "Do Right " site and watch how the site owner rips apart "Calvinists"...
Then get into a discussion about loss of salvation with some "Wesleyan Arminians" on other sites, like I have, and simply stand your ground and share Scriptures with them.
It won't take long until the true "fruits" ( or lack of them ) come out.
I've been called everything from a charlatan, to "007 License to Sin", to a wolf in sheep's clothing and worse.
I've even seen treatment that begins to approach this sort of behavior on
this forum, and I've only been here for about 15 months.
Finally, I won't dig into the historical aspect much, but one thing I'd like to bring to your attention...
The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre of 1572, where Roman Catholic ( read, "free will Molinist" )-backed authorities and members of the churches went all over France, murdering Huguenots ( "Calvinists" ) by the thousands...
simply for being "Calvinists".
This took place only 9 short years after the Council of Trent ended, where the Roman Catholic Church pronounced all things "Calvinist" as, "anathema".
So, what is that "logical end and perfection", again?
Of what...religious zeal?
Any group of men with any set of doctrines can have that.