Dave G
Well-Known Member
" Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." ( Matthew 7:12 ).There is a saying treat those the way you want to be treated.
"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." ( Luke 6:31 ).
"Love your neighbor" ( Romans 13:10, Galatians 5:14, James 2:8 ).
The Lord commands believers to love our neighbor, and as much as lies within us, to be at peace with all men ( Romans 12:18 ).
It's not the teachings of the Bible that are the problem, and this really has nothing to do with Westboro Baptist church, does it?Here's a challenge pull up one of the Westboro Baptist teachings you don't agree with.
To me, you see "Calvinism" as the problem, despite all the other people and groups in the world that are maligning and persecuting others, and are not "Calvinists";
True or false doctrine does not dictate how people treat others, whether good or bad...
Man's heart does, and his willingness or unwillingness to believe and obey God's commands.
Do you persecute those that believe as I do?
I hope not, because then you would be guilty of hypocrisy ( Romans 2:1, Romans 2:21-23 ), wouldn't you?
Therefore, I encourage you to look at the real problem...the human heart and how corrupt and untrustworthy it is.
Respectfully, I have said all that I can say to you on this subject.
To me, you have it firmly fixed in your mind that what you call "Calvinism" is the problem, and not a lack of the Holy Spirit in many of those who believe and teach it.
Again, doctrine does not dictate a person's behavior...the human heart does ( Luke 6:45 ).
This is my last reply in this thread.
Again, I encourage you to seek the Lord through His word and through prayer.
There is much that God has to show the believer in His precious book.
May God bless you richly, sir.
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