Originally Posted by
The Baptist Confession of Faith - section 19 points to the Gen 2:3 command - given to Adam and Eve - before the fall - as the 4th Commandment - within the TEN Commandments.
Did God simply get that wrong in His Gen 2:3 statement?
Originally Posted by
The Biblicist
No, He provided a PRINCIPLE with APPLICATION - period However, the PRINCIPLE is sufficient broad for DIFFERENT APPLICATIONS and the proof is Leviticus 23,25; Psa. 118:24 and Rev. 1:10.
Sadly for your wild assumptions there is no such thing as "keep any one day as a holy day of worship " Called "The Sabbath Law" - so "you make it up" and "quote yourself" to do so.
God did not say in Ex 20 or in Gen 2:3 or in Ex 16 "I am now going to apply the Sabbath Law to the weekly Sabbath of Gen 2 or the Ten Commandments" as you seem to "imagine".
God states His own intent in Ex 20:8-11 without any reference to some other "Sabbath Law" as if he is creating an instance of some other law.
The only way this is a legitimate instance of something else - is that it is an instance of "God's Sovereign choice" and "God making Law".
Thus each Sabbath - whether it is the one that applies to all mankind in Gen 2:3 and Ex 20:8-11 or the annual Sabbaths for Israel in Lev 23 - all are instances of God's Sovereign choice, His commands.
NEVER is it said that Passover or anything else is an instance of Gen 2:3 weekly Sabbath.
(Hint - never debate a bogus idea about instances of base class objects with one who creates instances of actual base class objects for a living)
Again, nothing in Genesis 2:3 says anything about any day "of the week." Genesis 2:3 is a faithful record of what God did in six days and then rested on the seventh day.
By contrast to you wild assertion absent all fact in the text - the Gen 2:3 text DOES specify the SEVENTH day.
Odd how you expect us "not to notice" when the text itself refutes your claim.
Even the "Baptist Confession of Faith" 1689 points us to the Gen 2:3 text as the first example of the 4th commandment - seventh day of the week being kept as Sabbath.
Surely you knew we would "notice" that your own denomination's documents refute your wild claims to the contrary.
Biblicist said:
Wrong again! We live in the Post-cross era and God has clearly designated the resurrection day on the first day "of the week" (Psa. 118:20-24/Acts 4:10-11) and commanded it to be observed ("made" translates same hebrew word used in the 4th commanded as "observe").
Once again not ONE single text in your list says to "observe" the first day of the week as the new 7th day Sabbath of the 4th commandment.
Once again - not ONE single text in your list says "week day 1 is the Lord's Day".
once again - not ONE single text in your list says of week-day-1 that God "commanded it to be observed".
So once again - you "make it up" quoting only "you" for the statement that "God commanded it to be observed".
Were we simply "not supposed to notice"?
Biblicist said:
This is the day the Lord hath made to be observed
Try reading the 4th commandment and finding out that it is not the first day of the week that is made to be observed by God - but rather the 7th day.
and we find it faithfully observed in the New Testament record (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:1-2) as "the Lord's Day" (Rev. 1:10)
1. Not ONE single text in your list says "week day 1 is the Lord's Day".
2. Not ONE single text in your list shows a "weekly observance of week day 1".
3. Not ONE single text in your list shows a gathering to celebrate the Lord's resurrection on Week-day-1.
Were we simply "not supposed to notice"??
Why do you keep appealing to the void of what the text does NOT say to make your case?
Biblicist said:
and consistently as the "Lord's Day" right up to Constantine.
But not one reference to it among Bible writers.
How sad for your wild speculation.
it is the better Sabbath day observance now for the people of God (Heb. 4:9) due to the better and greater work of redemption by Christ (Heb. 4:10,14) that still points to a yet future fulfillment (Heb. 4:11)
There is NO reference in Heb 4 to week-day-1.
There is NO statement in Heb 4 that week day 1 is a "better Sabbath day observance" - so once again instead of quoting the text - you quote "you".
And once again we are "not supposed to notice"???
I never said He did as you imagine I did. The fourth commandment presents the principle based upon what God did in Genesis 2:3-4
Ex 20 presents the actual commandment and the actual day to be kept - the 7th day - as the Sabbath each week.
And Ex 16 tells us that it was not just any ol-day but "tomorrow is the Sabbath".
and God applies that principle to various days of the week and you cannot possibly deny that as it is spelled out in Leviticus 23.
God does NOT say in Lev 23 that ANY of the Annual Sabbaths are another weekly Sabbath or that they replace it.
What is worse for your wild speculation is that God never allows man to simply wipe out his Seventh day Sabbath and replace it with the tradition of "week day 1".
However, you and GE are attempting to limit in APPLICATION what God does not limit in application
We are pointing out that God is the one that soveriegnly designates the specific day - whether it be weekly or annual - as the sanctified and blessed Sabbath.
We are pointing out that man-made-tradition has no authority to invent one or swap one out for one of your own choosing.
We are pointing out that there is no such thing as a 13 day cycle with Sabbath as the 7th day preceded by 6 working days and then succeeded by six more working days.
No such cycle in all of scripture.
in Christ,