Your perception is skewed. You are not the Holy Spirit, nor are you well versed in scripture. What you do is quote some sentences out of context and declare that anyone who corrects your misunderstanding somehow rejects scripture. You're really quite confused in this and you truly could use some Godward counsel, but you will have none of it.Only in your mind. You seem to think that what you say is of more valve than what the Holy Spirit says. Your continued denial of clear scripture just proves that you are not concerned with what the bible says. You just need everyone to trust what you say.
As said before you are beyond help. As long as you continue to fool yourself by holding to the pagan philosophy that Augustine brought into the church you will not find the truth.
So I will continue to point out your errors so others do not succumb to them same errant views that you have.
Now you ramble about Augustine being a pagan, which by that process would invoke the idea that all the priests in the Augustine order were pagans, which would make many of the Reformers pagans in your mind.
Basically, you are declaring anyone who doesn't support your humanism to be pagan.
Do you see how off the rails you have fallen?