`YOur not going to understand this unless you speak in tongues. But when you pray in the spirit..many times things will be revealed to you from the Holy Spirit. That is God speaking to you!
This is precisely why you and the whole Charismatic movement are wrong: you put experience above God's revelation! You say that I won't understand unless I speak in tongues. I say that I understand the entire false doctrine of tongues that you hold to precisely because of God's revelation in Scripture.
Furthermore, after saying that tongues are not required for all believers, you are now saying that no one can understand about tongues unless they speak them. This belief is the source of what I called the "holier than thou" attitude of tongues speakers.
But you still haven't answered my point about how you have contradicted yourself.
Prayer is communication with God! John 16:13 says the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth! He speaks to our spirit!
John 16:13 says nothing about tongues. This is one more example of how you and other tongues speakers have a tendency to take any Scripture about God's Holy Spirit in the whole Bible to be referring to tongues.
Can we not stick to what the scriptures say about tongues! IT is plain in scripture that tongues/praying in the spirit/ speaking to God is prayer!
You are absolutely wrong. The Scriptures say no such thing anywhere. If you are not getting answers to prayer with your tongues, you are not praying Biblically. The Bible says in many places that God will answer our prayers if we pray right, believing.
Consider. If unknown tongues (what you pray) is praying (not the known tongues that Paul spoke), then how would you know your prayer was answered? You couldn't and wouldn't. God gets glory by answered prayer, not by prayer in some unknown tongue or some gibberish.
Paul gave prominence to speaking in tongues. As you study out Pauls epistles, you find that he wrote much about the subject of tongues, and apparently he practiced what he preached. After all, he declared to the Corinthian church "I thank my God, I speak in tongues more than ye all" ( 1 Cor. 14:18). That is a positive statement! THat is alot of speaking in tongues if it is more than the whole church! He was correcting the church at Corinth because that was there main interest and they were speaking in the wrong place in worship and the wrong manner. He was not forbidding it!
Are you even paying attention? Paul mentioned tongues in 20 verses, all of them in 1 Cor. 12-14, and all of those seeking to correct wrong attitudes and teaching about tongues. The obvious conclusion is the opposite of what you are saying: Paul did not give prominence to speaking in tongues, he gave prominence to correcting false speaking in tongues in three whole chapters! So I am following Paul by rebuking false tongues.
As for his statement that he spoke in tongues more than the Corinthians, elsewhere I have said that he was referring to actual languages he spoke: Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, etc. I defy you to prove that Paul spoke in an unknown prayer language like you claim. You cannot prove that, because the normal meaning of the Greek word
glossa there is a literal, understood language. Until the original Pentecostals saw that the KJV translated added the word "unknown" in italics to the word "tongues," no one in evangelicalism spoke in "unknown" tongues. They knew that Paul spoke of earthly languages.
I am not aware of snake handling in a positive manner in the Bible...but that is another thread!
No one has brought up foot washing for or against it! Maybe you can start a thread on it! I thought we were discussing the work of the Holy Spirit on this thread???
You missed my point entirely. My point was that both of these doctrines/practices have more positive support for them in the NT than tongues speaking, yet you put such a huge importance on tongues speaking but no importance on these.
FYI, the verses referring to snake handling are: Mark 16:18 and Acts 28:3-6. This is a total of five verses on snake handling, the same number as the number of positive verses on tongues speaking, with no negative verses against snake handling. So by your logic, snake handling is a major doctrine and practice of the NT.
I am aware of your hard feeling toward tongues and those that speak in tongues! Tongues does not make anyone "holier than thou!" But they are Biblical!
Very correct: tongues do not make anyone "holier than thou." Tongues only make tongues speakers
believe that they are holier and better Christians than others.
Here is one who learned that tongues made him think he was "holier than thou." Wayne Robinson wrote, "My growing disenchantment peaked. I concluded that instead of tongues turning me towards people and their needs, my preoccupation with tongues speaking had turned me inward. Instead of driving me out into the midst of a world of hurt, lost and lonely men and women, I had retreated to a closet to seek a spiritual high for myself. Instead of identifying myself with the meek and the lowly, I had set myself apart as a member of the spiritual aristocracy. I was trying to impress. In effect, I was shouting, 'Look, people, I'm a Christian who speaks in tongues and I have the evidence to prove it'" (
I Once Spoke in Tongues, pp. 54-55).
No, I said NOTHING about tongues being part of the true church! I made a general statement! Do you believe his true church will be destroyed?
The truth divides! You say you have truth! I say I have truth! We can not believe opposite and both have truth! So there will be division! You blame tongues! I blame wrong teaching about tongues!
The truth does not divide God's true churches. Nowhere does the Bible say that it does. Heretics do that with their heresy. The Greek word for heresy means something that causes divisions. Tongues do precisely that. Not wrong teaching about tongues, but tongues speakers who come into a church of Jesus Christ and insist that others should speak in tongues.
Unity will not come until we all get in line with His Word!
The Bible does not say that the Word of God brings unity. The verse I quoted to you says that the Holy Spirit brings unity. You ignored that verse. Do you deny that the Holy Spirit brings unity?