I don't have time to answer this whole post, but I do want to comment on this first point.
I am going to post my grandfather's experience in the matter.
Notice that as a Baptist way back in the 1930's, it probably was, he diligently researched, studied the Bible, and prayed for the answer. Notice also that he was determined to leave the SBC, where he was a preacher at the time, if it turned out that he began speaking in tongues. He had the character to know it would be wrong to stay a Baptist if he spoke in tongues, because it is not a Baptist doctrine. The so-called Baptist Charismatics of this day do not have the same character. They would rather spread their tongues among Baptist churches who do not believe in them and never have.
Here then is his testimony:
"If the reader will kindly forgive the personal pronoun for a bit, I will use it to give a personal testimony. In my early ministry I saw the absolute necessity for the power of the Holy Spirit upon my life and ministry, if I were to be and do what God wanted me to be and do. I determined, at any cost under Heaven, to have the fullness of God's power. I longed to win souls. I longed to be used of God in bringing revivals. And so I promised God that I would go anywhere the quest led me, take gladly anything He gave me, pay any cost He required, if only He would fill me with His Spirit. I went into this tongues question then quite thoroughly. I attended the services of tongues preachers. I read every book on this subject that I could find, written by godly leaders of the Pentecostal movement. I was willing to talk in tongues if that was necessary to having the fullness of God. I knew there would be reproach on me if I should speak with tongues. I knew it would be a heartbreaking thing for me to leave my denomination, as, of course, I should do, if I personally experienced and then began to preach speaking in tongues as the duty of Christians and as the necessary evidence to the fullness of the Holy Spirit. As God is my witness, I faced that matter honestly, prayerfully, with many tears, with long, long hours of prayer. I studied my Bible with holy eagerness io learn what God's Word taught on this subject. But God first showed me in the Word that speaking in tongues was not the Bible evidence of fullness of the Spirit and that it was not expected of Christians generally, and gave me perfect peace of mind on this question. I knew I had found His will. And then, praise His name, He also, in His infinite mercy, breathed upon me power from Heaven, for which my heart had cried so long, with the result that multiplied thousands of souls have been saved under my ministry" (The Power of Pentecost or the Fullness of the Spirit, by John R. Rice, pp. 204-205).
John R. Rice went on to see about 200,000 souls saved and great influence among Baptists of all stripes, all without tongues.