Science and religion address different things. Science addresses theories many times based on observations about the physical world, the seen. Religion addresses matters of faith, the unseen. Actually, many scientists are strong Christians because they are filled with a sense of aware the more they learn about the magnificence of God's creation. This is the way advances in science effect me. Observing the night sky on a clear night on a mountain top or in the desert convinces me that this couldn't have happened by chance but was the creation of the Lord God almighty. The Bible points this out as a way those who have not heard the gospel can begin to get a belief in at least a superior being.
We need to watch the tendency to revert to the days of the Inquisition in which scientists were jailed or put to death because their ideas did not correspond to the Catholic Church's tenets. One good example is Galileo, who was kept under house arrest for the last two years of his life because he accepted Copernicus' theory that the sun not the earth is not the center of our solar system nor is it the center of the universe. Who has been proved to be right, Copernicus and Galileo or the Catholic Church?
Galileo and the Inquisition
Galileo's belief in the
Copernican System eventually got him into trouble with the Catholic Church. The
Inquisition was a permanent institution in the Catholic Church charged with the eradication of heresies. A committee of consultants declared to the Inquisition that the Copernican proposition that the Sun is the center of the universe was a heresy. Because Galileo supported the Copernican system, he was warned by
Cardinal Bellarmine, under order of Pope Paul V, that he should not discuss or defend Copernican theories. In 1624, Galileo was assured by
Pope Urban VIII that he could write about Copernican theory as long as he treated it as a mathematical proposition. However, with the printing of Galileo's book,
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Galileo was called to Rome in 1633 to face the Inquisition again. Galileo was found guilty of heresy for his Dialogue, and was sent to his home near Florence where he was to be under house arrest for the remainder of his life. In 1638, the Inquisition allowed Galileo to move to his home in Florence, so that he could be closer to his doctors. By that time he was totally blind. In 1642, Galileo died at his home outside Florence.
The Galileo Project | Biography | Inquisition