Okay, I gotta say that I actually lean more towards what Luke is saying in this thread;
To keep this conversation on Luke's point, focus on the definition of evil: the absence of good. Without good, the only choice is evil. The only intent is what's best for the individual, with no regard for others or God. I believe this is the point Luke is trying to make. Please feel to correct me, and/or clarify further.
I am not speaking about choice.
I am speaking about the origin and nature of evil.
Evil is not dependent fully upon choice.
Pride is not necessarily the result of choice, for example.
Pride is the result of ignorance (privation of understanding), and delusion (privation of truth), irreverence (privation of the fear of God), etc, etc, etc...
Pride can CAUSE a choice but pride is not necessarily the result of choice.
Such was the case with Lucifer when pride was found in him.