If you don’t want to debate stop posting in the thread.
It is not speculation. The words of our Lord are clear. AFTER THE TRIBULATION.
It is not like asking “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin” because Jesus didn’t answer that question and give a very clear answer.
And the words of our Lord Jesus always matter. Jesus does not say we are protected from tribulation. He very clearly states the opposite…. Christians will experience tribulations… all those that desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.
But, I am glad you are bowing out of the debate, since you are not really debating anyway.
You are only adding to the confusion of others by wrongly claiming our Lord wasn’t clear on the timing of His return.
peace to you
You see one thing in the text others see it differently. You just can not or rather will not accept the reality that your view as with any of the views could be right or could be wrong. That is why so many scholars have come to different conclusions.
If you are so sure of your point of view when can we expect your scholarly work to be published? Did you ever stop to think God did not make it clear as He actually wants people to expect His return at any moment?
How are my comments adding to the confusion any more than all the works that have been published?
Scholars of prophecy do not agree on all the details of future events. But the following summary is a fair representation of what many prophetic scholars believe as to the order of events:
1. The Rapture of the church (1Co_15:51-58; 1Th_4:13-18). This can occur at any time.
2. The leader of the ten European nations makes a seven-year agreement with Israel (Dan_9:26-27).
3. After three-and-one-half years, he breaks the agreement (Dan_9:27).
4. He moves to Jerusalem and sets up his image in the temple (2Th_2:3-4; Rev_13:1-18).
5. The Antichrist begins to control the world and forces all people to worship and obey him. At this time God sends great tribulation upon the earth (Mat_24:21).
6. The nations gather at Armageddon to fight the Antichrist and Israel, but see the sign of Christ’s coming and unite to fight Him (Zec_12:1-14; Rev_13:13-14; Rev_19:11).
7. Jesus returns to the earth, defeats His enemies, is received by the Jews, and establishes His kingdom on earth (Rev_19:11; Zech. 12:7-13:1). He will reign on earth for 1,000 years (Rev_20:1-5).
The purpose of prophecy is not to entertain the curious, but to encourage the consecrated. Jesus closed this section of His discourse with three practical admonitions, built around three illustrations: a fig tree, Noah, and a thief in the night. Mat_24:36 makes it clear that no one will know the day or the hour of the Lord’s coming. But they can be aware of the movements of events and not be caught by surprise.
Wiersbe Bible Commentary: New Testament
There remains the third way of interpreting these words of our Lord, it is to look upon these predictions about the end of the Jewish age as being still future. This is the right and only key to understand these verses. The first part of the Olivet discourse of our Lord is a prediction of how the Jewish age will end. The disciples only knew of a Jewish age. This Jewish age has not yet ended; it has been interrupted. A careful study of the great prophecy in Dan_9:24-27 reveals the fact that one year-week, the seventieth, has not yet been fulfilled. The Christian age, in which God visits the Gentiles and takes out a people for His name, the church, is the great parenthesis, which has come in between the sixty-ninth week and the seventieth week of Daniel. [See also “The Great Parenthesis” by H.A. Ironside.] As soon as the purpose of God is fulfilled, the church complete, the Lord will resume His dealing with Israel and the seventieth week (seven years) will end the Jewish age. Before that end, the seventieth week can come, the church must be complete and be removed from these earthly scenes, according to the divinely revealed destiny of the church. The church complete and taken up, the end of the age will follow and that will be Jewish and as far as the so-called “christian world” is concerned one of complete apostasy. Annotated Bible Old and New Testament