Surely you jest. Capitalism has given the world more than socialism ever could. Please answer the following:
1. What great advancement in medicine has socialism given the world?
2.What great standard of living has socialism give the world?
3.What great level of individual liberty has socialism given the world?
You are equating free enterprise with capitalism, & state control with socialism.
My working definition of capitalism is commercial interest, as against socialism which is public interest.
1. Medical advances are generally achieved by individuals who see the need & use their resources to meet that need, often against the "received wisdom." In the health field, this is seen as treating illness with expensive medicine & surgery, as against keeping people well by diet & living conditions.
In my experience, the professional advice for diabetes has been increasing medication, as the disease progressed. I was expecting to need a wheeel chair 10 years ago as diabetic neuropathy progressed. I resorted to the socialist recourse - an internet forum run by patients, not professionals. As a result, I abandoned the professional diet - complex carbs & very low fat, and adopted the socialist diet - very low carbs & high natural fats. In 3 months my health was restored. 10 years later the professionals are beginning to recognise the healthy diet that has been known & used by patients & ignored by professionals. There's no money in a healthy diet.
But when the ketogenic diet (also low carb, high fat) became known & accepted for epilepsy, the advice given my son for his little girl was "don't try without professional control." She was suffering from 4 powerful drugs before they started on the keto diet - which is working, but the drug effects are disrupting the family life.
People's experience is evidence.
2. British socialism, 1946 to 79 raised our standards of health, education, employment, housing, etc. and
3. individual liberty.
You're thinking that state imposed control of people & resources is socialism. The benefits you claim for capitalism are where the needs of the people are put alongside commercial interests, so that all benefit. That is being reversed, certainly in Britain.The only thing socialism has given the world is the repression of the human spirit by government control over the people and their ability to make their own lives better through their own advancement. Look at my country and all we have achieved in the last 300 years - a level of wealth FOR THE COMMON MAN unsurpassed by any other nation. Even our poor have hot and cold running water in their own homes for heaven's sake! Socialism did not bring that about, capitalism did.
Those are socialism in name only. In fact they are capitalist ventures for the commercial benefit of those in power. Hitler & Stalin et al were hardly acting in the interests of the common people.National Socialism was a failure that killed millions!
Venezuelan Socialism is such a failure, the people cannot even buy toilet tissue!
Cuban Socialism is a failure that has brought repression to the people and their jails are full of political prisoners.
Post war British socialism was a success - I know - see earlier post. The "failure" which was "reversed" was when trade unions became avaricious & used their power to disrupt the industries that paid their wages. They should have rested content with the standard of living achieved. The capitalist reversal was by buying cheaper products from countries that were exploiting their work force, in effect exporting jobs - as USA is doing with China. The gains of socialism were lost.British Socialism was a failure, only capitalism finally turned things around. The common man was then able to make money, buy houses and cars, and vacation in the Caribbean. None of that happened under British socialism.
Corbyn is a committed socialist who has stood up for peace & justice, & against racism for many years. He was arrested at an anti-apartheid demo.Corbyn is a relic from the past, an anti-Semite of the highest degree. It's unbelievable that he could be the leader of a major political party in England in the year 2018.
In no way is he antisemitic. The recent accusations are because of his support for the Semitic Palestinian people who have suffered 70 years of oppression. He is concerned for justice in Palestine rather than Zionist oppression.
His simple slogan FOR THE MANY, NOT THE FEW explains why he is popular. What used to be public services run for the benefit of all are being run for personal profit at many levels. The result is a vast increase in homelessness - people living rough - as they are turned out of homes as rents are increased. Mothers with children are among those evicted.
The sooner Jeremy Corbyn is elected Prime minister the better.
The big potential problem he will face is the commercial interests of the capitalists who are making money out of the working person's poverty.