Not sure what your point is. I have never defended president Trump as a sinless person, he is a sinner just like the rest of us. Although there are apparently saints here on the BB who believe he is a sinner of great magnitude.
I'm not even sure where this is coming from.
The point(s) I was making (or trying to) is 1) that the news today is instantaneous often times we are watching a crime e.g. a Chicago riot in progress 2) The news is not only instantaneous but global e.g. France terrorist murder scene complete with bodies, 3) the population of the world has increased geometrically since John Adams was watching CNN on his iPod or Skyping Ben Franklin in France.
1. I'm not arguing that its not instantaneous, but I see that as a double edge sword that cuts both ways. It means that a lot of misinformation can get spread quickly but it also means multiple perspectives get spread quickly, and than video and audio can clear up a lot of fake news, since everyone has a camera on them now a days. The left gets shown in real time how hypocrtical they are (example leaving tons of trash after an earth day event).
2. Yup its global which also means things get forgotten a lot faster. Quick name the scandal of the day going on 1 year ago, 2 years ago? No googling. I was able to remember all of the scandal from the Presidents in the 1800s and what people said about them, because I took the time to study them when I was in high school and college. I read some of the newspapers from back than as well. Those scandals stood the test of time and are still being read about in 2017 because they made the history books. Trump will make the history books as well but he will get no more page time than any other President, and less that some. George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln will always get more page time.
3. Population may have increased but the percentage of people that get their news from newspapers is down. I was going to say mainstream sources but than I realize that term doesn't translate back to the early 1800s when every publication was openly partisan and people either read 2 or 3 different papers to get a full view, or read their preferred 1 to back their party (somethings never change). According the Pew Research over half of Americans get their news from a social media site which lends itself to being an echo chamber.
The fact that time was a factor makes the accusations hurled at Adams, and Jackson, and Polk worse (not the worst ever though) because they were thought out insults meant to inflict the most damage for their day. An off the cuff insult in a 24 hours news cycle on a president who thrives on being a victim isn't doing damage. You yourself have said that these attacks by the left and the press are the reason he won, and why you think he will win again in 2020.