Sopranette said:
I believe it's Wonder kidding! :laugh:
Amy G., I have no idea how they figured that out 2,000 years ago. But they did know somehow. I very much doubt any baker or wine maker would have just left their business in Nature's hands back then, any more than we would now.
For one thing, they had the knowledge of the one who has all knowledge, Jesus Himself. In the OT they had knowledge from God, either directly or through the prophets. Not everything that was made known to mankind is writen in the Bible. There were many things that were not writen, which was not deemed as necessary, or at least not inspired by God.
Wild yeast is everywhere. It is upon wheat and every other living plant in the world. If you want to grow yeast, all you have to do is mix a little flour and water, add sugar (honey or any other naturally occuring sugar) or you could use the kind we use today

, then allow to sit out at room temp and it will begin to grow yeast. This is how you make a starter for friendship bread. Yeast is expensive because it takes time to grow. Many people who make bread daily, do it this way to save dollars. Ask any mom who has several children, and bakes her own bread for health's sake and for goodness sake.
Any grape will have naturally occuring yeast. The wild yeast is abundant in some and not so abundant in others. If the grapes do not have an abundance of yeast, and you attempt to make wine, it will still be alcoholic wine. The amount of alcohol will be dependent upon the amount of yeast and sugar available on the grapes naturally. If there is not enough naturally occuring yeast or enough naturally occuring sugar, then the wine will have a lower alcohol content. Wine needs to have at least a 12% alcohol content to preserve itself, unless it is grape wine, and then it must be at least 10%. Some will argue that percentage and say even grape wine must be 12%.
Wine that does not reach 12% acohol by volume, is still alcoholic wine. It may spoil and not be as good as that which is 12%, but there are many cheap wines available. Take this info or leave it....... I do have experience in this area, as I used to brew my own........ in a previous life.

Not to say I would never do it again. If it was ok for my Savior to make wine, I think He would not look down on me for doing it. I'll just bet His was waaaaaaaaay better than mine though. And my brew was exceptional.