Right, but it may be difficult because I think most women these days work. For many women, who may be nurses, or doctors, or flight attendants, dental hygienists, teachers, policewoman, etc etc being vaccinated might be a part of what their job requires. Then there is the media and medical profession constantly recommending the shots. Then there is the travel issue, if they wanted to visit another country soon, they would know they would need the shots.I agree about the power grabs being evil. It amazes me that the whole issue shifted on an election (when Trump was President the anti-COVID-vaccine people were Democrats but with the election sides have changed).
And I would urge any woman who is pregnant to stay away from the vaccine (actually, from most of the vaccines out there).
About the political aspects--yes that is weird. Another thing that raises a red flag on the covid issues is that not only are media seemingly all in bed together and in lockstep, but nations all over the world are seemingly marching to the same orders.