The fact remains glaringly clear that immunizations have been given civil immunity that no other drugs have.
They aren't drugs, they are vaccines.
That is totally illogical if vaccines are indeed safe.
Vaccines are not drugs. You can't compare vaccines to something they are not. Vaccines are bits of a microbe that you expose the body to, and it responds by producing antibodies. That way, if the body is ever exposed to the actual microbe, it is ready for it. Vaccines have saved millions of lives.
The reason you can't sue vaccine companies is because they aren't drugs. If someone gets a fever days after a vaccine, there is no way to prove it was caused by the vaccine. They aren't drugs.
The company can't be sued because
they didn't do anything wrong just because someone got a fever.
A drug is a specific molecule, generally speaking, and it potentially has various effects of different parts of the body. Companies have to thoroughly test drugs to know their side effects. Companies get sued because they created specific side effects.
A vaccine is made of part of a virus, for example. They are naturally occurring.
Getting exposed to a piece of virus or protein, etc, creates an immunological response. In rare cases this causes adverse non-specific side effects. In the same way, people can die from a simple cold or infection.
There is a difference in that we have no idea if it was caused by a vaccine or caused by another microbe. Kids get sick all the time because they lick things and put weird things in their mouth. Kids also get vaccinated.
Do vaccines cause Autism? Autism has risen drastically as the immunization schedule has been accelerated and expanded. No blind studies have been done to rule it out. The autism rates are lower in the unvaccinated community than they are in the vaccinated community. Without true controlled blind testing, the question of autism and vaccines can not be answered. As big as the controversy is, the study should be done. The drug companies and the FDA are terrified of the results. Studies have been done, but the groups considered high risk were eliminated.
You realize that vaccines are used throughout the planet - so if there were a link - and there is not - it would require a massive global conspiracy that even Iceland and Lichtenstein are playing a role. Autism diagnoses are increasing because it's being better understand and more diagnosed. Vaccines causing autism requires a deliberate ignorance of medicine in the way people argue that the Earth is flat.
The amount of medical ignorance propagated on the internet is stunning. I work in massive hospital lab that does testing for outside companies. I have seen specimens from patients paying thousands and tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket for unnecessary blood tests. They read on a blog that they might be tired because they have low (whatever - sometimes they order dozens of test) and they get it tested without any basis for it - and they always come out normal.
People read natural-mommy-blog and think they are experts in medicine. If they want to waste their money, that's fine. The problem is that their kids become disease vectors for children younger than them.
Choosing to be a walking biohazard is not a personal choice.