Ed Edwards said:No difference is OBVIOUS to me. day(KJV) = '24-hour-day you hang him' , day(LB) = '24-hour-day you hang him)
Which doctrine gets changed?
Nobody I've ever seen has shown me FROM THE WORDS OF A DENOMINATION how they have made a WRONG DOCTRINE from a MV - NOBODY. I've read losts of arguments of 'what could be' but none that are. BY CONTRAST, I've written a lot of paragraphs about wrong doctrines that people have they got from misunderstanding the KJV.
Amen!! That's just what I was thinking.
Gerhard Ebersoehn said:Here you see it with your own eyes!
Before I shall say anything about the doctrine implied, let me ask you, if you hang a man on a certain day, and remove him from the tree that certain day, has the man hung either all night, or, overnight?
Umm - No - because you removed him from the tree on that same day. You do not want him to hang on the tree all night/overnight so you remove him before the night is over.