Please define the word "Blaaaaaah".
What an imagination you have!
Why, thank you doc!
In other words, there was no essential difference between Luther and Rome on grace and the Reformation was all about nothing!
In other words? Not in my words - those would be in your words. Regarding Luther, all I can say is that Luther was a Catholic Priest, who re-discovered a Catholic doctrine (grace), in a Catholic book (the bible). If he had only studied St. Augustine a little closer, he would have found that the "doctrine of grace" was a Catholic doctrine from the very beginning.
Look at your own statements! First out of one side of your mouth you say a good Catholic theologian could argue that my position was "another gospel"...
Indeed - please do look at my own statements and, when you do, please try to read them accurately without impinging your own preconceived notions and biases upon them. Just for clarification, here is what I wrote doc:
WestminsterMan said:
Well doc, I'm sure that a good Catholic theologian could argue their side with great rigor - probably even turning your "gospel of grace" position into a "complete perversion" and "another gospel".
Notice that I said "
your gospel of grace" and not
"the gospel of grace." There is a huge difference. You flatter yourself by thinking that your beliefs even remotely reflect the beliefs, tenants, and doctrines of actual and historical Christianity. Perhaps if you slowed down a little you wouldn't so often miss-interpret what others actually mean.
…and then out of the other side of your mouth you argue "I don't think....that their concept of grace really differs much...."
Well, that is accurate (I guess there’s always a first time)! In my opinion, I don't believe that the RCC doctrine of grace differs much from that of most Christians. By that, I mean that it is your ideas that are often in contrast to that of most Christians, not the RCC.
Just absolute proof that you do not understand the Biblical doctrine of grace at all - nada, zilch!
If by that you mean that I don't understand your strange and relatively new idea of the doctrine of grace, then I would say that your statement is correct!
And I might add, your grace is Rome's grace and therefore absolute proof that you are still a defender of Rome if not a Roman Catholic at least in doctrine!
Well, you may add that if you wish, yet that is all it is - an addition, and one based solely upon your own skewed belief system.
Your in for the argument but not for the truth!
Well, if that were true doc, then I would spend countless hours on BB in fruitless arguments with others as you do. Perhaps it's time for a little honest introspection on your part doc.