New Member
There are not perfect Christians or perfect Churches or perfect denominations. However, there are essentials to be a Christian and to be a church of Christ and to be a Christian denomination and Rome fails in all ESSENTIAL points.
Hmmmm... Just where can that list of "essentials" be found in scripture? Is there an index or something? I must have missed that. Are you talking about the Nicene Creed - you know the one put together by the Catholic Church that you call the old whore? How about the New Testament cannon - you know -the one that we all use - the one put together by the Catholic Church that you call the old whore?
It seems to me that you have something of a credibility problem here doc. You must either renounce the NT Canon or acknowledge it as legit. However, I suppose you will take a bogus third option and spew forth with "historical" fantasies to explain away the RCC's involvement in its development.
1. They teach and preach a perverted gospel
2. They pervert the ordinances
3. They pervert the scriptures
4. They pervert the nature of God by their Marioaltry nonsense
5. etc., etc., etc.
That's nothing more than your opinion there doc... and you know what they say about opinions... Obviously, the RCC (or anyone one for that mater) can make the same baseless charges against you and your partocilar flavor of theology. You do not impress doc.