My question is, How stupid was the congregation for not checking this guys background more thoroughly & asking more pointed questions of the man? I'm sure with some do diligence, it could have been exposed.
How stupid is it to suggest it was the sheep’s fault for getting too close the wolf’s teeth? Sorry, but this reasoning is on par with: It was the innocent child’s fault for not being diligent and getting too close to the pedophile’s truck because his agenda could have been exposed.
I believe in the Doctrines of Sovereign Grace but I am not a Calvinist. It is certainly plausible that a Baptist pastor would make the same distinction that I do.
People should be aware of the available ambiguous semantics on the titles which are used for Doctrines of Determinism. Therefore, non-transparency is justified, heck the pastor might even share in OldRegular’s reasoning that titles like “Doctrines of Sovereign Grace” rather than full disclosure such as “Doctrines of Deterministic Sovereign Grace” is an acceptable and honest way to keep one’s little secret. Got it…
Of course Southern Baptists Churches are getting as close to baptizing infants as possible so who knows!
This poison should also help justify the lack of transparency. Got it…
You're joking, right? After all, noncalvinists never ever ever ever lie in a million quadrillion years.
*rolls eyes*
Good thinking! After all, he neglected that “Two wrongs makes a right”. What a joker he is for forgetting this logical truth.
the pastor needs to be honest and upfront on his theology, bit the questions I have are:
Can't a Pastor who holds to reformed sotierology only pastor a local SBC church, as hunch is many would hold to tht in alocal baptist church!
And aren't there 'closet arminians/non cals" who get pastorates also in baptist circles?
I’ll interpret that conglomeration of words as another argument for the attempt at justification of non-transparency.
Now, now, he has said this thread is not about Calvinism... :laugh:
Ever heard of the fallacies “Circumstantial Ad Hominem” and /or “Poisoning the Well”? i.e., the circumstances involve a Calvinist at that is personally offensive to you, therefore the issue becomes a claim without merit and it’s justified to throw in this red herring/smokescreen and attack the Op – that ought to help your argument. Which is – This is about a Calvinist so all other issues are void…
Oh, not to forget maybe the “Horse laugh” (A rhetorical tool) helps support your “point” (fallacy).
Yup, love the reasoning being given by my Determinist friends here to justify this tactic. With these fine examples you’ve truly outdone yourselves in the quest for logical truth.