Hi JonC, if I asked you which of the 5 points of the TULIP you disavow, I expect you would evade. I disavow the TULI of the tulip. Nothing vague about my position. I like to stand in the light.
T = Total Spiritual Inability, unable in our fallen natural state to seek God and trust in Christ.
U = Unconditional Election, God chose us individually for salvation not through faith in the truth or other characteristic.
L = Limited Atonement, Christ died for only the elect and did not die as a ransom for all.
I = Irresistible Grace, God converts a person unable to believe into a person who irresistibly comes to faith.
In summary, the TULI teaches we were saved or damned from all eternity for all eternity and nothing we can do will alter that outcome for ourselves or our loved ones. I believe it is a mistaken view of scripture.
Van the man,
I don’t recall being less than transparent in my posts. Actually, most here have been fairly forthright. But I suppose I can understand why you would think some evasive.
T - I believe that men are able but inherently unwilling to turn towards God apart from the work of the Holy Spirit.
U - I believe that God elects. God elects to give grace to men, apart from any inherent willingness or merit in that person, to believe. This is grace through faith, the grace is of God and not of men. Less there be any misunderstanding, this is an election unconditional on the merit or will of men.
L - I believe that Jesus died to redeem those who would believe. He is the propitiation for the sins of all mankind, but redeems those who believe. In one sense, Jesus died for all of men. But in a particular sense, He died to redeem only those who believe.
I - irresistible grace has always struck me wrong. It is obvious not only from Scripture but also from experience than men resist God. But God prevails. Insofar as irresistible grace means prevailing grace, I concur.
P - we agree here, so I suppose there is no comment necessary. Salvation is eternal.
I hope that this is transparent enough for you, if not please feel free to question me here or via PM. I do not claim to hold these beliefs in such esteem that they are beyond reproof or correction (actually, if I am proven wrong - to my satisfaction via Scripture - I will gladly make corrections to my understanding). This belief does not form the foundation of my faith, but it does generally represent my soteriological understanding insofar as Calvinism is concerned.