I also found this today, worthwhile, at least to me.
“In years to come some of you will no doubt tell yourselves that you didn’t see where things were going but that will be a lie. You did see all the signs but you deliberately chose to ignore them.
Everyone knows (or should know) how totalitarianism incrementally transforms a society into a monstrous mirror image of itself and I am exhausted from trying to warn you.
Indeed I am watching as our world is transformed into a paranoid, pathologized, authoritarian dystopia where people now have to show their “papers” to see a movie or get a cup of coffee, and publicly display their ideological conformity to enter a supermarket and buy groceries.
I am watching as the masses are being encouraged to openly persecute “the Unv**xed,” the official “Untermenschen” of the new ideology. And I am watching as this ideology does precisely what every totalitarian movement in history has done before it.
So when you tell me that you “had no clue where the trains were going” I hope you will understand why I no longer trust you, and why I regard you as cowards and collaborators.
Yes, that’s harsh, but this is not a game. Our constitutional and human rights have been revoked, transferring power out of sovereign governments and democratic institutions into unaccountable global entities that have no allegiance to any nation or any people.
This is what is happening and the time for you to “wake up” is over. At this point, you either join the fight to preserve what is left of those rights for you and your children, or you surrender to the new global regime.
This isn’t an abstract argument; it is a fight, a political, ideological fight.
On one side is democracy, on the other is totalitarianism. We are being segregated into “good people” (i.e., compliant) and “bad” (i.e., non-compliant). The “good people” are being encouraged by the authorities and the corporate media to unleash their rage on us, to demand our segregation in internment camps, demonize us, and ultimately force violence on us. This is where we’ve been heading all along, and it feels like things are about to get very ugly. Those of us who are fighting to preserve our rights, and some basic semblance of democracy, are outnumbered, but we haven’t had our final say yet. There are millions of us, and we are wide awake.
So pick a side, but before you do, perhaps look back at the history of totalitarian systems, which, for some reason, never seem to work out for the totalitarians, at least not in the long run. I suspect that might have something to do with our inextinguishable desire for freedom, and our willingness to fight for it, sometimes to the death.
So pick a side, and pick soon. I for one will never forget which side you chose.”