Oh, that race comes into sentencing has been known and proven for a very long time.
You are trying to substitute that sentence lengths etc.... for a bias in the Death Penalty....that is dishonest. We are not talking about a supposed disparity in overall sentencing, we are talking about the DEATH penalty.
own quotes prove my point!
This is the statement I made:
The PROVABLE FACT that a white person, for instance is more likely to get the death penalty in a murder case than a black person, you would be correct, there is actually a higher percentages of whites who are sentenced to death for murder than blacks........
And now your quote:
Each year in Alabama, nearly 65% of all murders involve black victims, yet 80% of the people currently awaiting execution in Alabama were convicted of crimes in which the victims were white. Only 6% of all murders in Alabama involve black defendants and white victims, but over 60% of black death row prisoners have been sentenced for killing someone white.
I am fully aware of the likelihood of receiving the Death penalty for killing a white person for a black person, but,
why, pray tell, don't they simply prove racial bias by offer the percentage of over-all black murderers vs. overall white murderers who are on Death row?
Because it doesn't fool people into thinking there is racial bias. In fact, it's blindingly obvious that race is not the issue.
Here's the fact:
The murderer of a Black person is MORE LIKELY TO
BE BLACK than not:
And the Murderer of a White person is MORE LIKELY TO
BE WHITE than not:
So, again, the short and salient point behind this is:
1.) white people kill white people
2.) black people kill black people.
Hence, since whites are
MORE LIKELY to RECEIVE a death penalty than a black person, racial hucksters
instead give you the awkward stat about what the
VICTIMS race is in order to fool the insufferably stupid into assuming that there is less value in a black victim than a white victim....
You see, CTB: if you were to simply show the percentage of white murderers on death row vs. the percentage of black murderers on death row, it would embarrass race hucksters who want to confuse and distort....
Instead they give these stupid insinuations about the
VICTIMS race....
You see, if there were an EQUALITY of white murderers on death row as black murderers... (by percentage).............than your statistic would supposedly demonstrate that the justice system places "more value" on a black victim than a white victim:
This is why it is false that "numbers speak for themselves". They do nothing of the sort.
Now, let's guess CTB
if those stats were reversed what would liars and race hucksters then feed us as the salient point? Would they attempt to insinuate that the justice system places more value on the life of a black victim than a white victim?? No.....it'd be something they ignore....
Instead they would continually feed us the statistic that a black murderer is more likely to get the death penalty than a white murderer....
So, anyone who wants to prove "racism" can use relevant stats to prove their point
Because the reasons aren't racially charged:
It's the simple fact that whites are more likely to be crazy rape, kidnap, murder and eat the victim-types, and deranged multiple serial murderers which is
rarer in the black communities...
Also, whites are more likely to have killed
minors and other similarly completely innocent victims than black murderers
I.O.W.....whites are more likely to commit the more
heinous murders (and subsequently receive a death penalty) than blacks....Hence, more whites on Death row by percentage.
That's what the stats tell us, CTB:
You are as easy to confuse and deceive as any liberal ever is.
Here's your next red-herring:
There is evidence of direct racial discrimination (against minority defendants in sentencing outcomes);
Evidence of direct discrimination at the federal level is more prominent than at the state level;
Blacks are more likely to be disadvantaged in terms of sentence length at the federal level, whereas Latinos are more likely to be disadvantaged in terms of the decision to incarcerate;
At the state level, both Latinos and blacks are far more likely to be disadvantaged in the decision to incarcerate or not, as opposed to the decision regarding sentence length.
Point 1.) :sleep:
Point 2.) This has absolutely
NOTHING to do with the DEATH penalty.....nothing.
You are conflating sentence lengths and decision to incarcerate with Death sentencing.....they have nothing to do with one another.