Dave G
Well-Known Member
At some point I'd like to see a thread about this, but for now:we all have sin issues to deal with even as Christians, but if we need to reach a sinless perfection state before can address sinning among leadership in a church?
I keep seeing this pattern of established "hierarchy" in God's churches in many threads on this board, and I believe that I know where it's coming from...
Where people get this idea of "leadership" in the church, I do not know, but it's not the Bible.
Perhaps many are confusing apostleship with the Lord giving the serving offices of pastors, bishops, teachers and deacons to His body ( Ephesians 4 )?
The reality of it is, that they are not "leaders" in the worldly sense.
They are humble servants who serve the body from a position of wisdom, spiritual growth and humility.
They do so from a stand point of truly caring for the growth and welfare of those that the Lord has placed within the local assembly.
Another thing that I see that people often overlook...
The Holy Spirit makes them overseers, not men ( Acts of the Apostles 20:28 ).
Therefore, God does not have "colonels", "captains", "lieutenants", "sergeants" ( clergy ) and "privates" ( lay-people ) that make up Christ's body.
That is man's way of doing things, not God's way.
Someday I hope that every believer in Jesus Christ comes to see this and identify it as the Lord does...
The doctrine of the Nicolaitains, which thing the Lord hates ( Revelation 2:6, Revelation 2:15 ).
For clarification, believers are not to have "leaders" in the secular sense.
Please see Matthew 20:20-28, Mark 10:35-45, Luke 24:22-40.
He hates when His sheep seek dominion over one another as the Gentiles do.
The reality of this is that we have one leader, and that is Christ.
As His sheep, we follow Him, not our teachers and pastors.