Whooo boyee! Yahall ain't gonna be happy with me but here goes. First there are rules that must not be violated when reading the scriptures. First and foremost every word in the English Bible is the Word of God period or you are not worshiping the Most High, The Living God of creation. Before the MS puty so many, stinking, scars on my Brain and began shutting down functions I knew all three verses where God promised that He would protect His Holy Word and that not a word would be added nor deleted from the Bible He inspired to be written... Authored!
The two addresses I recall are Duet 4:2 and the other is found at the end of Revelation 22. And when dealing with scripture it must be remembered that the Highlighter had not been invented yet and to highlight something, God would repeat His command somewhere else. God has highlighted the fact that His Word is pure.
This, of course, means that neither the Calvinist nor the Armenian are correct! (I told you, all of you are going to be upset but I have information for all of you to mull over and to study on for understanding.) I am in neither Camp but rather I am a Biblicist... if God said it, I believe it! I believe every single word in the Scriptural Recortd is the God Breathed Gospel truth.
The scriptures, all of them are the truth or I am a fool and I admit it! So I am told all of the time that there are conflicting scriptures in the text, the trouble is that the scriptures are a mystery to the Lost Man. And if you have not been broken by God to the point that you have surrendered every moment of your life to the service of God, I can explain these apparent contradictions and you will not understand it. (2Thes 2:11)
so why am I posting this here? The nature of God is being taken into account, not in the least, here! God is both Omniscient and Omnipotent! So God is without restriction, meaning He is everywhere with everyone, all at the same instant but waiit, wait, a second. It goes much deeper, He is without limit. God was on stage with me in 1989/1990 as I was overcome by the Holy Spirit about six or more thousand years ago, likely, some better.
God created the Time/Space Continuum we live within for our benefit that we can live through this testing he has allowed, see Job. Before God created the first thing He had seen everything we did and would do before we die and either go to Hell to await the Judgement that will send them into the abyss or will go straight into the presence of God.
I pray you all can see what I have learned and want to give away.