I got this in an email from Nancy Missler and I think it is appropriate.
I agree completely that sound doctrine is essential (1 Cor.15) and needs to be taught precisely and thoroughly. But, I also believe, we should have the freedom to hold different opinions on peripheral things without it dividing us and causing us to lose our love for one another.
Can’t we simply choose to let God’s Love flow through us regardless of our various eschatological interpretations? Isn’t the Christian life a ministry of reconciliation? Doesn’t 1 Corinthians 13:2 teach us that even if we have “all knowledge” (all Biblical truth), “but have not God’s Love, we are nothing?”
Can we only fellowship and love one another when we theologically agree on everything? What does this mean for Calvinists trying to fellowship with Arminians or for Pentecostals fellowshipping with Baptists or for believers in the Church of Christ getting along with believers in the 7th Day Adventist church? Are these brothers and sisters unable to love each other because of their theological differences?
Where is the dividing line? When do we say “you’ve gone too far in beliefs that are different from mine, I can’t love you anymore.”
Now, I’m not at all saying that God’s Love is never a tough Love, or of a necessity, a discipline kind of Love. It is! It has to be! It’s critical that we balance our Agape Love with the wisdom of God (or the Truth), but again, knowledge, without God’s Love, is just a “tinkling cymbal.”
To me, the bottom line is: What brings glory to God? What reflects His image? What pleases Him? And, what does the Word tell us to do?
Loving the way God wants us to love is a choice. And, it’s a choice we need to make constantly—yielding ourselves as cleansed vessels, not only for His Love to flow through us, but also so that His wisdom can be made manifest in our lives. As brothers and sisters, we need to be “living examples” of how God would have us reconcile these two things. And thus, it would be an encouragement for others who are watching us to apply the same principles in their own personal lives (in their marriages and in all their relationships).