lori4dogs said:
Then I began to study the actual teachings of the Church.
I just follow the teachings of Christ, myself.
I'm no expert on Catholicism and have no plans to become one. I can just offer what I know about what I know, and everything I know about Catholicism has either come from someone who is/was in it, or from what I have read. I have no first hand knowledge of it. I went to a Catholic wedding once and was freaked out by all the cued responses and stuff. Up and down, up and down, repeat this, respond with that... made me dizzy.
No, I'll stay with me, the Lord, and the bible. He made it nice and simple without the need for anything outside of that. Oh, I need my church family so that we can worship together and help one another along, but it boils down to Him and me. It is an eternal relationship that He instigated, drawing me to Him. I had to make the choice to accept it, but He was the one who handled it all. When I chose to accept His offer of grace and forgiveness, it was solely between Him and me and no one else.
When I was baptized, it had nothing to do with my salvation as that was already a done deal. My baptism was so that I could be obedient to His command, not to save me. I was in the first group to be baptized in our (at the time) brand new baptistery, and it was a trick as I am a few inches taller than our pastor was... but he got me down and back up. I went down dry, came up wet, and showed the world that I was willing to let it be known that I belonged to Christ.
Now I am a deacon. I get to help serve the Lord's Supper at our church. The symbolism of the juice and the bread bring me to tears... but they are only juice and bread. It is done to remember what Christ did for us, not to "remake" His blood and flesh. We use this observance as a remembrance, and as a time of reflection and confession. Not to a priest, or our pastor, or even one another... but to God and God alone. "
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Heb 4:16 ESV)" It says "let us", not "let someone else in your place" or "let a priest" or "let some dead person (saint)", but "let us draw near the throne of grace." We confess our sin to God and God alone, and He and Him alone forgives us of them.