Look the whole issue is about cause versus effect. No one denies repentance and faith are our responses to the gospel, but the issue is what is the cause for our responses? Repentance is turning from one thing to another thing (mind turning from unbelief to belief; heart turning from love of sin to love of righteousness; will turning from resistance to submission). What turns our mind, heart and will? The prophet says, "Turn us O God and we shall be turned".So it is God's power rather than us that does the turning. This turning power is regeneration while repentance and faith is us turning.
No one denies that our will is involved! However, is our will the effect of regeneration or is it the cause for regeneration (Jn. 1:13)? Did we receive him due to our will being the first cause or His will being the first cause (Jn. 1:12)? I believe that regeneration is the creation of a new believing heart by God's effectual call as illustrated in Genesis 1:2-3 as Paul claims in 2 Cor. 4:6 ("For God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts...."). Therefore, faith cometh by the RHEMA or the command of God (Rom. 10:17 not logos) rather than the rhema of men (Rom. 10:18) as the rhema of men produce nothing UNLESS the gospel comes additionally in "power and in the Spirit" (1 Thes. 1:5). Thus by RHEMA (command of God) Christ who is God in the flesh is both "the author" and "the finisher" of our faith (Heb. 12:2) through the effectual call of the Holy Spirit which includes regeneration whereby the human spirit is brought into union with the Living God who is LIFE, LIGHT, LOVE and HOLY. The spirit of man is the object of regeneration and thus partaking of life, light, love and God's holiness. This partaking of life, light, love and holiness establishes the moral state of the spirit which in turn determines the moral inclination of the human heart so that the regenerate man freely chooses to do good (Rom.7:15-17; 19-20) because he "delights in the law of God after the inward man." It is the new birth that creates this "delight" or inclination to do good which becomes the "law of the mind" in a regenerate person so that "to will is present" (Rom. 7:18) to do good, but the power to will good is found only in the indwelling Person and power of the Spirit (Rom. 8:8-13) who works in us "both TO WILL and TO DO of his good pleasure" (Philip. 2:13).
However, the arminian has the unregenerate man more powerful than the regenerate man because he believes the human will in the unregenerate man has not only the will present to do good but also the power apart from either new birth or the indwelling Person and power of the Spirit. He has the unregenerate man willing to do good without any inward good nature or source of good and therefore presents the irrational idea that good can come from an evil tree/heart without any change of the nature of the tree from evil to good. Arminians have an evil tree producing good fruit. Jesus says that is impossible as the nature of the tree must first be changed as the nature of the tree is the CAUSE for the kind of fruit being produced. Jesus says, first make the tree either good or evil as it is the nature of the tree that is the CAUSE of its product (good or evil) - Mt. 13:33-35; 7:15-20).
The position of a monergist is that a regenerated heart is the cause of a heart willing good not vice versa.