There are a few problems, thinkingstuff.
1) I said I wasn't illustrating God's election through that scenario but rather your view of the consequences of choice. Therefore, when you began breaking down that scenario by treating God as the employer you were completely ignoring the point of the scenario. The scenario is that choosing one over another is not choosing the other to some fate, but rather is it simply leaving that person where he is. Man leaves himself free to do this all the time not holding himself accountable for what later happens to the individual he passed over, but as soon as God does it or declares He did it, then man is offended. How dare God choose one person over another! Man puts God under an obligation he himself doesn't have to live up to. It's alright for me to favor one person over another, but not for God to do the same. That's a wrong attitude. The fact is the entire bible is a record of God choosing a person, a family, or a nation over another. If God is unfair in election, then God was unfair in dealing with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and Israel as a nation, and David, and Solomon, and Mary, and so forth and so on. God has always been a God who chose one over another, favored one over another, and in the case of Jacob and Esau we have God Himself telling us it wasn't based on anything man did but His own sovereign will.
2) You say God, in order to be fair, must help everyone. What utter nonsense! Who obligates God to do this? You? What I see here is a total lack of understanding the total depravity of man, which is a foundation for everything else. What did God owe man? Nothing. God would have been just, righteous, and holy to leave every single person in sin and eventually eternal punishment. Every single person that ever lived, is living today, or ever shall live deserved hell, including me. I did not deserve a single bit of mercy or grace from God. God didn't have to save me, or bless me, or do anything good for or to me. God was under no obligation towards me whatsoever. I didn't deserve anything good from God. God, in His great mercy and grace, chose to save a large number of people from the eternal punishment of their sins. He was under no obligation to do it. He didn't have to save these people. He chose to do it because it pleased Him. Those whom He didn't choose were just as unworthy as those He chose. They were just as undeserving. Therefore, God had the same obligation to save them - none. When God saves one and passes over the other, He is just and right to do it. Why? Because He is God and everything He does is right. If man doesn't deserve salvation, then God doesn't owe man salvation. God didn't owe Peter salvation, neither is He wrong for not saving Judas. Neither man deserved anything.
Furthermore, you say God is under obligation to help everyone. The problem with this is God is not only able but also sufficient for salvation. God doesn't try to save anyone. God saves, period. If God intends your salvation, God will bring it to pass. God has never tried and failed anything, ever. If He did fail, He wouldn't be God.
I wonder where you type of folks were at the first Passover. Here we have God saving the Israelites from this plague on the firstborn. They didn't deserve such salvation. They have spoken out against His servant already and will repeatedly rebel against Him in the future. They are no more deserving of being spared than the Egyptians. However, God did this to show that He put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel. Wait a minute God, that's not fair. Who are you to question God? God chose to bring this plague on all the firstborn of Egypt and spare the Israelites. How did He do it? Through the blood of a passover lamb. Did God tell the Egyptians about the passover lamb? Did He make a passover lamb provision for them? Did He advise them to follow the same ritual as the Israelites? Nope. He left them alone to face the plague on the firstborn. But God made provision for His people, those He purposed to deliver. Was God unfair in this? Of course not. God does as He pleases and everything He does is right.
If you think election is unfair, you have a problem with God all through the bible.