This shows how far civility has fallen in our culture. It may be within his rights, but that is not the point. There are polite ways of making an objection known.
Surely, this type of outburst simply convinces many people that conservatives are boorish brutes with no civility about them.
Oh please...
In 1858, Charles Sumner, self-important arbiter of all that was right Senator from Massachussets, said Douglas (who was present in the chamber) was a "noisome, squat, and nameless animal ... not a proper model for an American senator."
Not content to leave his assault on a political level, Sumner's first speech in the Senate was a three-hour oration in which he mocked Senator Butler's speech and mannerisms -- both which were impaired by a stroke that Butler had suffered earlier.
Two days later, Preston Brooks, a congressman from South Carolina and Butler's nephew, confronted Sumner as he sat writing at his desk in the Senate chamber. Brooks said, "Mr. Sumner, I have read your speech twice over carefully. It is a libel on South Carolina, and Mr. Butler, who is a relative of mine."
As Sumner (who was six feet four inches tall) began to stand up, Brooks began beating Sumner severely on the head with a thick cane with a gold head. Sumner was trapped under the heavy desk (which was bolted to the floor), but Brooks continued to bash Sumner until he ripped the desk from the floor.
By this time, Sumner was blinded by his own blood, and he staggered up the aisle and collapsed, lapsing into unconsciousness. Brooks continued to beat Sumner until he broke his cane, then quietly left the chamber. Several other senators attempted to help Sumner, but were blocked by Keitt who was holding a pistol and shouting, "Let them be!"