Well-Known Member
All my views are shared with a great many published authors. Lots of people do not buy total spiritual inability, or Christ not dying for all mankind, or unconditional election, or irresistible grace.
Come on ... is saying 'many people disagree with the same things that I disagree with' really the same as saying that 'I have not discovered an interpretation that no Christian has seen in 2000 years of studying the word of God.'
A great many published authors agree that Mormonism is false. Scientologists believe that Mormonism is false. That does not mean that all of those authors believe that Scientology is true. You are quick to tell EVERYONE that you do not believe in Calvinism, but you are just as quick to deny being an Arminian and you are guarded at stating what you do believe. That leaves most people knowing more about what you are not, than what you are ...
[... except argumentative. EVERYONE knows that you and I are both naturally argumentative.