Non-stop nonsense is being posted by Mr. Mikey. A confession is a litmus test, either you publically "confess" you believe all of its doctrines, or you hit the highway.
Where is "litmus teast" stated in the definition of what a confession that YOU posted? It isn't. After accusing me of making up my definitions, you make up a definition that is contray to the definition which You posted. (hypocrytical much?)
You posted this definition:
"Confession of faith, formal statement of doctrinal belief ordinarily
intended for public avowal by an individual, a group, a congregation, a synod, or a church; confessions are similar to creeds, although usually more extensive."
I responded, as seen in the quotes below, and have demonstrated that the definition of a confession proves what i have said; that the definition of a confession is the same as that of a "what we belive" statement. You failed to interact with anything i said but instead made the claim that i avoided to mention the all important highlighted part. And when i did interact with the highlighted part, showing that all it said was "public declaration", you nolonger want to discuss the definition but instead bring up "litmus tests".
Throughout our conversation you have failed to provide any consistant argument to these questions. Can you do so now?
Can you give a definition of what a "what we believe" statment is?
Can you provide an explanation of how you thought the definition provided supported your position? (with specific focus on why you highlighted that specific part of the definition. What did you think it said?)
Can you explain how the definition of a "confession of Faith" differs from that of a "what we believe" statement?
Can you give any reasonable argument in how a confession is not a statement of faith?
You accuse me of making up definitions yet the definition you posted supports my statements! "A Confession of faith is a formal statement of doctrine belief" so how does this disprove my statement that a confession is the same as "What we believe" statement? How is "what we believe" not a formal statements of doctrinal belief??
Your own statement shows that i have not misrepresented you. You admit that you were involved in your church's "what we believe" statement. Which is what? An official statement of doctrinal beliefs! the exact definition of what a Confession of Faith is!
You did not explain why the highlighted part was important, you did explain how you thought the highlighted part suppots your argument, In fact you still haven't. So how does "ordinarily intended for public avowal" in any way discredit what i said?
Do you know what "avowal" means?
Cambridge Dictionary: "Avowal, noun, a statement in which you say or admit something that you believe, support, or intend to do"
Merriam-Webster Dictionary: "Avowal; an open declaration or acknowledgment"
So a confession is a public declaration of a statement of doctrinal belief. How exactly does a "what we believe" not fit that definition?
PS. Litmus tests is an issue of usage, and is not evidence/argument for what a confession is or how it is different from a statement of faith. All Statement of Faith can be used as "Litmus Tests" including "what we believe" statements.