Beware of Hyper Dispensationalism
The “Issue” –
A person can easily be identified as a hyper by their unorthodox view of
when the body of Christ began. In fact, this is “the issue.”
Stam states their position:
We believe, and are sure, however, that the present dispensation began, not with Peter and the eleven at Pentecost, but with Paul, to whom the risen, glorified Lord later reveled His will and program for our day.
Ryrie correctly notes that most “Dispensationalists say that the church began at Pentecost, while ultra dispensationalists believe that it began with Paul sometime later.”
[6] Whether or not they hold to the “Acts 28” view (Bullinger), or the Acts 18 view (O’Hair) or the so-named “mid Acts” view (Acts 9 – Stam and Sadler) makes no difference. They all add an extra dispensation between Acts 2 and Paul. This is done to eliminate wa
ter baptism. [Bullinger, and his followers also did away with communion since they only held Paul’s prison epistles (of which 1 Cor. 11 is not included) as doctrine for the Church Age.]
Ironside, in his classic pamphlet
Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth, categorizes the errors of hypers who took Bullinger’s position:
1. The “four gospels are entirely Jewish.”
2. The church in the book of Acts “is simply an aspect of the kingdom and is not the same as the Body of Christ.”
3. Only Paul’s prison epistles are Church Age material. “Paul did not receive his special revelation of the mystery of the body until his imprisonment in Rome.”
4. “The entire book of Revelation has to do with the coming age and has no reference to the Church today.”
[Note: The fact that some of the doctrinal verses in Rev. 1-3 teach a person can lose his salvation imposes at least a primary application to the Tribulation, with a historical and devotional relevance to the Church Age. See: Rev. 4:1- “
things which must be hereafter.”]
5. The bride of Jesus Christ is NOT the body of Christ, but “Jewish.”
6. “The Christian ordinances . . . Have no real connection with the present economy.”
Ruckman outlines the teachings of hyper-dispensationalism as follows:
1. There is a period of time called “THE GRACE OF GOD” which began in Acts 9 (Stam, Baker, Moore, Watkins) or in Acts 18 (O’Hare and others) or in Acts 28 (Bullinger . . .
2. Water baptism is not for “THIS AGE” since “THIS AGE” began in Acts 9 or Acts 13 or Acts 18 or Acts 28.
3. Bible-believing Baptists are heretics who do not follow PAULINE teaching (1 Ti. 1:16).
4. Since Paul did not COMMAND anyone to be baptized, it is UNSCRIPTURAL.
5. Since Paul was not “SENT TO BAPTIZE,” water baptism is PRE-PAULINE (1 Cor. 1).
6. The “ONE BAPTISM” of Ephesians 4 automatically cancels water baptism .