MB, is faith all about the experience we have? If so, then theology is irrelevant and our experience is the only thing that matters. All we need, then, is to experience God and get the correct methodology to experience him and we're good.
However, God reveals himself, not solely in experience (plus our feelings are fickle), but mostly in scripture, God's word to mankind.
Does God say he chooses?
Does God say he predestines?
Does God say he wills and ordains?
The answer is yes to all the above. Our feelings and response come because God did something in us...first.
MB, you have created a strawman to lean on. That is your problem, not mine. Your hatred of John Calvin is on you. I don't worship John Calvin. Therefore your complaint is silly to me. Let us exegete scripture and let scripture determine what is true. I am willing to do that. I couldn't care less about Calvin or Arminius. It has nothing to do with what God says. So, please stop using Calvin as your crutch. Let us examine scripture alone.
Straw man Your making me Laugh again. This term is used by all clavinist to imply my doctrine is false. It makes me laugh because none of them have ever proven it to be false.
God has already chosen to save all that are willing.. God has predestined us. and some never realize there destiny He has done all this because we might believe. Yet here you are saying this is all a straw man. My complaint isn't about John Calvin but the doctrine he promoted. There isn't much truth in it.
John Calvin is dead and gone. He didn't pen Calvinism anyway. Maybe people started calling it Calvinism because it was what he taught. He was a scoundrel at best. Forcing his doctrines on the Swiss. This doctrine was created by Augustine and though he might have meant well he wasn't all that bright. He taught that people are saved by baptism. And believed in infant baptism. Neither can be found in scripture. None of the tulip can be found in scripture because it is man made and nothing more than commentary of what Augustine's thoughts were on it. After He invented the doctrine of the RCC. We all agree that it's false.
We all have freewill though I don't understand anyone denying it. It's as plain as the nose on your face.
Irresistible grace makes us nothing more than robots wondering around with no real purpose. Bumpping into each other everyday not having any intelligence at all unless God programs us. Now this is a real straw man. it's not that God can't make us all do what he wishes. Certainly He could although you cannot convince me that He does. If God were irresistibe then how is that old Satan does as He wishes.Or how was it that Jonah refused to go to Nineveh. God punished him for sure yet he did resist God. So did the Pharaoh of Egypt. In fact God even harden his heart even more so that he wouldn't give up until God wanted him to.
All of Jerusalem resisted;
Mat_23:37 'Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that art killing the prophets, and stoning those sent unto thee, how often did I will to gather thy children together, as a hen doth gather her own chickens under the wings, and ye did not will.
Luk_13:34 'Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that is killing the prophets, and stoning those sent unto her, how often did I will to gather together thy children, as a hen her brood under the wings, and ye did not will.
To this day Jerusalem resist God's will for them.
So how does irresistibly work with so many resisting God.?
My Pastor has sent some people here for me to help out. I will respond with more tomorrow..