Jesus never mentions any importance to observing the sabbath, BECAUSE IT IS NOT IMPORTANT.
Have you considered the teaching of Jesus in all of the NT, especially the Gospels, wherein Jesus corrects the sabbath-keeping of His people, from vain traditions, and false notions? Have you considered the 7 miracles of Christ Jesus upon the Sabbath, and seen them in the light of the plan of Redemption? I will show you the first 4, and you may look for the latter 3:
Just the NT:
Matthew 12:1,2,5,8,10,11,12, 24:20, 28:1;
Mark 1:21, 2:23,24,27,28, 3:2,4, 6:2, 7:6-9, 15:42, 16:1;
Luke 4:16,31, 6:1,2,5,6,7,9, 13:10,14,15,16, 14:1,3,5, 23:54,56;
John 5:9,10,16,18, 7:22,23, 9:14,16, 12:1 (calculated), 19:31;
Acts 1:2, (4:24), 13:14,27,42,44, (14:15-16), 15:21, 16:13, 17:2, 18:4;
Additional references are:
John 12:1 (six days before the Passover, Jesus was at Lazarus' house, on Sabbath)
Hebrews 3:11, 4:1,3,4,5,8,9,10,11; [Hebrews 4:9 "rest" Greek: sabbatismos, literal sabbath-keeping]
Revelation 1:10 [kuriake hemera, "the Lord's Day" [the 7th Day Sabbath, not "the Day of the Lord", this is totally different in the Greek], see Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11, Deuteronomy 5:12:15, Isaiah 58:13, 66:23, Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:27,28; Luke 6:5 ], Revelation 10:6 [see also Exodus 20:11, 31:17; Nehemiah 9:6; Psalms 146:6; Acts 4:24, 14:15, Revelation 14:7]; Revelation 14:7 [see previous], etc
The scripture declares who the real sinners and Sabbath breakers were, it was those murderous and plotting pharisees, who while seeking to accuse Jesus, to find fault with Him, and plotted against Him how they might overcome Him, and to kill Jesus
upon the Sabbath are seen in their stark and hateful contrast to the compassionate, loving restorer and Saviour of life, Jesus Christ, who in His work, healed, delivered, saved, restored, gave rest to those in pain, suffering, mourning, shewing mercy, demonstrating the fulfillment of love, etc upon the Sabbath, showing all mankind the perfect loving example of what True Sabbath keeping was to be.
[1] Jesus healed a man lame in his legs for 38 years [John 5:5] [even as Israel in the wilderness for 38 years; Deuteronomy 2:14], because of sin. Jesus is looking to heal our walk upon the Sabbath, leading us back in the Way of God, His Commandments, Honouring our Father in Heaven, calling the Sabbath a delight, Honourable, Honouring Him in it [Isaiah 58:13; Exodus 20:12], that we may be able to walk once more with Him upon the Sabbath in righteousness, as it was from Creation.
[2] Jesus healed a man with a withered hand in the gathering upon Sabbath [Matthew 12:9-15; Mark 3:1-6; Luke 6:6-11], and it was the "right hand" [thus a connection to the Seal and Mark, and the right arm of the Everlasting Gospel, the Health/Restoration aspect]. This man, a church [Acts 7:38] goer, was crippled in his right hand, thus as we see, he represents those in the church whose right hand is withered, their obedience to the Commandments of God is withered, crippled (the health-reform is crippled), their actions enfeebled in true service, and yet Jesus would come to them and heal their limp and lifeless service to Him, and make it vibrant again. The right hand is also connected to God's Law, being then also connected to the Seal of the Living God, and also to the Mark of the Beast, for those who take the Mark of the Beast, shall indeed receive a crippling mark in the right hand, for they will have forsaken the right way, and chosen the commandments of men over the Commandments of God, and remain as sinners in the bondage, chains of sin.
[3] Jesus healed a blind man [John 9:1-41] on the Sabbath, restoring the sight not only physically (using natural remedy and faith in His word), but also spiritually, so that He could not only see the Saviour physically, but also see that He was truly the Saviour, the Messiah, the Christ, the sent of God. As it is written, Laodicea is blind [Revelation 3:17-18], and needs also the restoring and saving power of Jesus Christ to heal them, from their own blindness, that they may see the beauty of Christ Jesus, the LORD of the Sabbath, and what ought needs be done therein. Turn to Isaiah 58 and Isaiah 61 and Job 29, and read wherein the healing of the sight needs to happen, so that the blind may see again the glory of the LORD, and see their fellow man, lost in sin and in suffering, and take the Everlasting Gospel to them. Jesus did this very thing in
Luke 4:17-32]. If any choose to remain blind as the pharisees of old, they will fall into the ditch, for that ditch, spiritually, is the "whore" [Proverbs 23:27], and her harlot daughters, and that "whore" is found in Revelation 17:1-18, Revelation 19:2. Her mark is the false sabbath - "sunday". God's Seal is the 7th Day of which the Holy Spirit seals those who love God and keep His Commandments with.
[4] Jesus healed the woman bound by satan, and bent over, unable to "stand" up straight (Luke 13:10-17), a symbol of healing from sin, for to stand up is to live a life without sin (Job 1:1,8, 2:3; Psalms 37:37; Proverb 29:27; Ecclesiastes 7:29, etc). A woman, a symbol of a church (Ephesians 5:22-33), and make no mistake, this woman was a "church" goer (Acts 7:38).
Jesus is looking to restore the 7th Day the Sabbath of the LORD thy God to this world [as so many have forgotten it, trample upon its sacred hours, and upon Him who makes it Holy], and to give them rest, from sin [1 John 3:4].