Dr. Walter
New Member
I thought that I was dealing with the passage in Isaiah 6? It is quoted several times in the New Testament.
I thought I explained Person A becoming B through rejection of the light given them? I called Person B "lower wisdom." Lower wisdom has the NATURAL faculties of hearing, seeing and perceiving. Lower wisdom is totally depraved = without supernatural Higher wisdom in all of these human faculties AND naturally self-centered in opposition/enmity toward God.
As light of conscience, light of nature and light of the gospel shine upon Lower wisdom, Lower wisdom reacts as described by Jesus:
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
The immediate reaction of Lower wisdom is to hate the light because they love darkness and therefore they refuse to come to the light. If you increase the exposure of the light their rejection and resistance increase and it is this increase that is described as hardening.
Jesus describes the natural reaction of lower wisdom (natural man) to even the greatest light - Jesus Christ.
The more Lower wisdom was exposed to Jesus in the gospel accounts the more they hardened in their initial rejection and resistance of Christ. The Jews are no different than any other ethnic Lower wisdom natural man. Initial exposure produces resistance and rejection because they love darkness and hate light and the more they are exposed to the light the more they harden in that rejection and resistance.
Hence, nothing prevents them from loving and coming to the light but their own natural hatred expressed in their choice to resist and reject.
Now, God can save the most hardened lower wisdom. Take the case of Saul of Tarsus. He stood and held the coats of those who killed stephen and must have heard the gospel from Stephen. It produced a more hardened resistance in Saul as manifested in greater hatred in seeking out Christians, persecuting and jailing and even killing them.
However, on the road to Damascus lower wisdom Saul had an INTERNAL revelation where HIGHER WISDOM was imparted to Saul. Saul, later called Paul explained this difference in the terms of revelation and birth:
But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace, To reveal his Son in me,
Note that neither the births or the revelation was due to Sauls' will or choice but to God's will or choice "WHEN IT PLEASED GOD."
Note that Saul was completely passive in both births and revelation or "ME" was the object not the subject in all of these actions - "WHO SEPARATED ME....CALLED ME....TO REVEAL HIS SON IN ME"
This revelation of Christ INSIDE Paul is further explained by Paul in 2 Cor. 4:6 to be a creative act of God producing LIGHT inside of Paul. This is not the light of conscience he already had. This is not the light of nature which he already saw. This is not the light of the gospel which he had already heard countless times when making Christians repudiate their testimonies.
This LIGHT was created IN Paul by God without Paul's aide, cooperation or consent. God spoke it into existence just as he spoke light into existence in Genesis 1:2-3.
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
This new created INTERNAL light is called "knowledge" or UPPER WISDOM that does not come naturally by first birth but supernaturally in second birth. It is this created LIGHT that overrules resistance, rejection by providing a new willing heart:
A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.
27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.
This new heart and new spirit given by God will CAUSE YOU to walk in my statuates or MAKE YOU WILLING to walk in my statues. Just as the old nature freely chose to resist and reject all light it was exposed to the new nature freely chooses to receive and submit the light God creates within the person CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS. God gives him a NEW WANT TO.
Now, I have explained how person B who is not yet hardened to light becomes hardened to light and that is simply by more exposure to light just as clay becomes harder with more exposure to sun light. I have explained how the hardened sinner undergoes a CREATIVE ACT by God that transforms his nature (a new heart and a new spirit) thus changing his nature from clay to butter and the same sunlight that hardened the clay melts the butter.
When does this transformation occur? "WHEN IT PLEASED GOD." How did it occur - "WHO CALLED ME......REVEAL HIS SON IN ME" as a CREATIVE ACT OF GOD.
Now all the elect have been chosen by God from the beginning to this kind of salvation BY separation (sanctification) of the Spirit an belief of the truth (2 Thes. 2:13).
The non-elect have simply been left to their own LOWER WISDOM and FREE CHOICE to continue to manifest their hatred of the light and justly occur judgement for resisting, rejecting and hating the light.
You can know if you are God's elect when the gospel comes in this creative power of the Holy Spirit separating you to repentance and faith in the gospel rather the gospel coming in "word only" (1 Thes. 1:4-5).
I thought I explained Person A becoming B through rejection of the light given them? I called Person B "lower wisdom." Lower wisdom has the NATURAL faculties of hearing, seeing and perceiving. Lower wisdom is totally depraved = without supernatural Higher wisdom in all of these human faculties AND naturally self-centered in opposition/enmity toward God.
As light of conscience, light of nature and light of the gospel shine upon Lower wisdom, Lower wisdom reacts as described by Jesus:
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
The immediate reaction of Lower wisdom is to hate the light because they love darkness and therefore they refuse to come to the light. If you increase the exposure of the light their rejection and resistance increase and it is this increase that is described as hardening.
Jesus describes the natural reaction of lower wisdom (natural man) to even the greatest light - Jesus Christ.
The more Lower wisdom was exposed to Jesus in the gospel accounts the more they hardened in their initial rejection and resistance of Christ. The Jews are no different than any other ethnic Lower wisdom natural man. Initial exposure produces resistance and rejection because they love darkness and hate light and the more they are exposed to the light the more they harden in that rejection and resistance.
Hence, nothing prevents them from loving and coming to the light but their own natural hatred expressed in their choice to resist and reject.
Now, God can save the most hardened lower wisdom. Take the case of Saul of Tarsus. He stood and held the coats of those who killed stephen and must have heard the gospel from Stephen. It produced a more hardened resistance in Saul as manifested in greater hatred in seeking out Christians, persecuting and jailing and even killing them.
However, on the road to Damascus lower wisdom Saul had an INTERNAL revelation where HIGHER WISDOM was imparted to Saul. Saul, later called Paul explained this difference in the terms of revelation and birth:
But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace, To reveal his Son in me,
Note that neither the births or the revelation was due to Sauls' will or choice but to God's will or choice "WHEN IT PLEASED GOD."
Note that Saul was completely passive in both births and revelation or "ME" was the object not the subject in all of these actions - "WHO SEPARATED ME....CALLED ME....TO REVEAL HIS SON IN ME"
This revelation of Christ INSIDE Paul is further explained by Paul in 2 Cor. 4:6 to be a creative act of God producing LIGHT inside of Paul. This is not the light of conscience he already had. This is not the light of nature which he already saw. This is not the light of the gospel which he had already heard countless times when making Christians repudiate their testimonies.
This LIGHT was created IN Paul by God without Paul's aide, cooperation or consent. God spoke it into existence just as he spoke light into existence in Genesis 1:2-3.
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
This new created INTERNAL light is called "knowledge" or UPPER WISDOM that does not come naturally by first birth but supernaturally in second birth. It is this created LIGHT that overrules resistance, rejection by providing a new willing heart:
A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.
27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.
This new heart and new spirit given by God will CAUSE YOU to walk in my statuates or MAKE YOU WILLING to walk in my statues. Just as the old nature freely chose to resist and reject all light it was exposed to the new nature freely chooses to receive and submit the light God creates within the person CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS. God gives him a NEW WANT TO.
Now, I have explained how person B who is not yet hardened to light becomes hardened to light and that is simply by more exposure to light just as clay becomes harder with more exposure to sun light. I have explained how the hardened sinner undergoes a CREATIVE ACT by God that transforms his nature (a new heart and a new spirit) thus changing his nature from clay to butter and the same sunlight that hardened the clay melts the butter.
When does this transformation occur? "WHEN IT PLEASED GOD." How did it occur - "WHO CALLED ME......REVEAL HIS SON IN ME" as a CREATIVE ACT OF GOD.
Now all the elect have been chosen by God from the beginning to this kind of salvation BY separation (sanctification) of the Spirit an belief of the truth (2 Thes. 2:13).
The non-elect have simply been left to their own LOWER WISDOM and FREE CHOICE to continue to manifest their hatred of the light and justly occur judgement for resisting, rejecting and hating the light.
You can know if you are God's elect when the gospel comes in this creative power of the Holy Spirit separating you to repentance and faith in the gospel rather the gospel coming in "word only" (1 Thes. 1:4-5).
Dr. Walter, I couldn't help but notice that once again you failed to deal with the biblical support I presented. While I appreciate you introducing another text it really doesn't address the text already presented.
So, explain what that means practically. You have person A who is born Totally Depraved but who is just now for the first time hearing the gospel message. Then you have person B who has "become hardened" over a period of rebellion against God's revelations.
What is the difference in the ability or nature of person A and person B? In other words, what CAN person A do that person B now cannot do because of his hardened state? You have not addressed that point as far as I can tell.
You presume that those "it is given unto" are the elect ones and those it is not given to are the non-elect reprobates who never have hope of salvation, but consider the alternative. Could it be that Christ had only selected a remnant from Israel to reveal himself to while here on earth; all the while hardening the rest of Israel in their rebellion? Could he be doing this to accomplish redemption for them all? They wouldn't crucify a man they believe in, so doesn't it make sense that God might blind them or keep them in the dark about the truth so as to accomplish the crucifixion through their rebellion? Isn't that what scripture actually teaches?
Why would you need to hide the truth in parables if they are born Total Depraved? If they are unable to spiritually discern the gospel truth apart from the effectual work of the Holy Spirit then why would He need to speak in parables in order to keep them from believing?
The truth is that Christ is temporarily hardening Israel in their rebellion to accomplish redemption through them and once he is lifted up he will send the gospel into all the world and draw all men to himself. Until the veil is ripped the eyes of Israel remain in darkness...with the exception of the remnant first fruits of Israel who were selected out of Israel to take the message to the world.