Christians are dead TO sin positionally "in Christ" and in Christ positionally they cannot sin - that is their immutable legal position. Romans 6:4-11 deals with this POSITION "in Christ" which is manifested in baptism as shown in the "likeness" of his death and resurrection. We are to accept by faith our POSITION "in Christ" where we are "dead to sin" and yeild to the Holy Spirit in order to obtain victory over sin in our life. Not perfect victory but progessive victory.
However, Ephesians 2:1-3 and 4:17-19 are not talking about the position of a saved person "in Christ" being "dead to sin." It is talking about the CONDITION of the most inner aspect of man's nature which is separated from God and under the dominion and power and presence of Satan. It is talking about the seat of SPIRITUAL perception, ability, union and fellowship with the spirit world. It is talking about the governing spiritual disposition of fallen man. In regard there is no spiritual union, no love, no fellowship, no desire, no friendship but enmity, hate, resistance and rejection only and always. That is its spiritual state or condition.
However, Ephesians 2:1-3; 4:17-19 it is not talking about the NATURAL mental faculties in fallen man. He has NATURAL mental abilities to perceive, understand the light of conscience, light of nature and the light of the gospel and by "light" I mean knowledge revealed. The knowledge revealed by conscience, the knowlege revealed of God in nature and the knowledge revealed in the gospel message or any other aspect of God's Word. He is cognant of and can comprehend MENTALLY the data provided by all these sources of light. He is not born with a hardened mental and emotional state of the NATURAL faculties. Hardening of the mind and emotions come with exposure and repeated resistance.
However, his mental faculties do not have the capability of SPIRITUAL PERCEPTION. There is a greater and higher source of knowledge or intuition that must be given by God. To illustrate what I mean. As a child of God, you may have prayed and studied a passage of scripture for years and struggled but have not grasped it. Then one day out of the blue, God lifts the shutters and you see it. Not because you studied any harder, not because your any smarter, not because you had not read that scripture a thousand times but because God chose to reveal it on a higher plane of understanding found not in your mental facilities but in your spirit. The bible did not impart that understanding because you read it a thousand times and still did not understand it. The Holy Spirit soveriengly revealed it in your spirit by direct intuition. The lost man has this faculty of intuition but it is possessed by Satan and separated from God.
In the lost unregenerate man, the light of conscience does not provide that direct spiritual perception. The light of nature does not provide that direct spiritual perception. The light of God's Word does not provide that direct spiritual perception. What provides that direct spiritual perception is God the Holy Spirit removing the power of Satan within you, casting him out, and revealing that light directly by a making the gospel His creative word producing life/light within you:
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance;
A man can hear the gospel with the human ear a thousand times but it has no power to overcome the indwelling power of Satan every singe time of that one thousand times UNTIL God is please to reveal His son in that sinner:
But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace,
16 To reveal his Son in me
You were no more involved in your first physical birth than you are in your re-generation. Both occurred "when it pleased God" and both occurred when God effectually called physical life and spiritual life into existence. The gospel did not reveal Christ to you - GOD revealed Christ IN you when it PLEASED God to do so and a man can hear the gospel a million times and until it PLEASES God to reveal Christ "IN HIM" there will be no spiritual perception of Christ to that sinner.
What the unregenerate man does mentally perceive in nature, in the conscience or in the gospel he will always either pervert or reject because he has no SPIRITUAL LIGHT turned on. Both perversion and rejection begin the process of hardening the NATURAL intellectual and emotional guided faculties.
The regenerate man is like butter and the unregenerate man is like clay. The same Sunlight shines on both. The same light that melts the butter hardens the clay. The difference between this is there NATURE. The unregenerate NATURE with constant exposure will only and always eventually get more hardened.
Don't respond to this post until you carefully reread it and objectively evaluate what has been said.
It makes a difference in the application of this passage. If Paul is addressing believers who are unable to accept the deep spiritual teachings and Calvinists apply that as a proof text supporting their view of total inability with regard to the nature of man then that certainly makes a difference.
According to scripture if a man has not been hardened he could, "see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them." (Acts 28) You presume that men are born in a hardened condition, but clearly the scripture teaches otherwise. The Jew hearts had grew hard, "otherwise they might...repent." The Gentiles, who had not been sent the revelation of God, had not grown hardened which is why continues saying, "Therefore I want you to know that God's salvation has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen!"
So, the Jew, who has been hardened, no longer has an option. The Gentile, who has not be hardened, does have an option.
You're right, unless God does something man is hopeless, but God DOES do something. He sends the powerful holy spirit wrought gospel truth. You presume that work is not sufficient which is never supported by scripture.