Perhaps the following explanation will be helpful. I believe that man is a three fold being comprised of spirit, soul and body. I believe that salvation is designed by God for each aspect and that salvation is found in three tenses, past, present and future.
The past tense refers to the salvation of the spirit of man - regeneration/conversion/justification and is a done deal that obtains entrance into heaven.
The present tense "being saved" refers to the soul of man and the word "soul" is translated "life" as well and this refers to progressive sanctification which is never finished until the immaterial aspects of man leaves his body or glorification of the body.
The future tense "shall be saved" refers to the glorification of the body and removal of the fleshly nature.
Now, the problem most people have is with the present tense apsect which has to do with you soul/life. The Greek term "psueche" is translated both "soul" (inclusive of the heart, mind and will) and "life" because as a man thinketh in his heart SO IS HE. That is what you set your soul upon is the product of your daily life as you do and act how you feel, think and will.
Now, there is one aspect of your salvation that can be lost - your life. Paul says redeem the "time" and you do that by being filled or under the control of the Spirit so that "time" lived is SAVED or made to COUNT for the glory of God and therefore is saved in the form of rewards. At all times you are either under the control of the Spirit or the flesh. What's done in the flesh is wasted, lost, forever. You can also lose your physical life due to sin. However, the soul cannot be lost. It is the product of the soul - your daily life or the expression of the soul - your daily life that can be saved and lost. That is why Christ said he that loses his life (psueche) shall save it and he that saveth his soul (psueche) shall lose it. What can be lost? rewards, joy, blessings, growth, time, energy, usefulness, etc.
The human spirit is the seat of our other world consciousness
The human soul is the seat of self consciousness
the Human body is the seat of world consciousness.