Looking in James White's book, The King James Only Controversy, and can't find any place where he uses the term "KJV Preferred." His taxonomy is on pp. 1-2, and his first one is "Group #1: 'I like the KJV best." He say then,
"This group of individuals would believe that the King James Version is the best single English translation available today. This belief might be based on the rhythmic beauty of the work as a whole, or upon its historical importance, or any number of other factors. This group, however, would not deny the possibility of a better translation being made. They would simply state that such a translation has not yet arrived.
"These individuals are only marginally 'KJV Only,' as they would probably not be militant in their perspective, and would probably not insist that everyone else agree with them. We have no need to address this particular group, and have no reason to discourage them in their use of the KJV as their translation of choice" (p. 1).
I don't think that even this (White's closest approach to the term KJVP) fits BJU, since they have always allowed other versions (NASB, ESV, etc.) and have to my knowledge always used the UBS Greek NT, which is a critical text.