I do not understand your question here. What is it you do not get?
Your doublespeak:
Revmitchell said: ↑
We should send all troops and equipment in and destroy them with as much force as is necessary....... we cannot afford it.
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I do not understand your question here. What is it you do not get?
That sounds like an interesting read.
...islamic terrorists...
... “A lot of people think of the Islamic State as a terrorist group, and it’s not useful,” Hassan said. “It is a terrorist group, but it is more than that. It is a homegrown Iraqi insurgency, and it is organic to Iraq.”
Old article, but good: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/03/what-isis-really-wants/384980/
(I know, it's The Atlantic.)
Doesn't change a thing.
I'll never tire of bringing up the fact that it was right wingnut interventionism that created ISIS.
I know who and what you are.
I couldn't care less what you get tired of.
since Jan 20th 2009
...and I couldn't care less about your 'hot buttons'. I know who and what you are.
This is not a fight we can avoid.
Try to stay on topic.
Obama took office and started to lead from behind which has proved to be an utter failure.What exactly occurred on this date?
Who cares what you say when it's off topic? In post # 36, you finally addressed the OP.I am precisely on topic. You just don't like what I'm saying.
Obama took office and started to lead from behind which has proved to be an utter failure.
Who cares what you say when it's off topic?
No he was elected because people wanted hope and change. (And the GOP put up a ridiculous RINO)Oh, baloney. Obama 'took office' because that's what Americans wanted. He promised to get us out of Iraq and he did just that. It's what the majority of the electorate wanted. It's why he was elected, because of the right wingnut interventionism that Americans were weary of. It amazes me that 'you people' won't accept that fact.