But I think that the video was very simplified and I don't think it did the actual word of God any justice, nor was it very well represented or even presented from an accurate understanding of it.
From my perspective, it was even worse than watching some of the 1950's and 60's biblical movies, and how they either left out large parts, or went as far as oversimplifying or outright changing some things.
It's an entirely different narrative, but it does illuminate
@MartyF 's unbiblical thinking.
Now, most people know I don’t believe in the “corridors of time” thingy or any of the Platonistic Omniscience stuff.
Procreation is clearly changed after the fall. How much so is not specified but it’s not that important. In addition, the first baby mentioned in the Bible comes after the fall.
Now knowing that
@MartyF doesn't believe in a literal garden, but the intersection of "God's space" and "man's space," he is stating that man was wholly different in structure as well. Procreation would occur if there were no Fall, and probably did in man's cooperation with God in building their dwelling place, but that procreation did not (or would not) be carried out as we see it carried out in nature. It would not include babies.
@MartyF clearly says he believed procreation
was occurring before the fall in some sort of transcendental manner.
Reproduction being possible before the fall doesn't mean reproduction happened in the exact same way, or as often, nor in a nonconsensual, unplanned manner.
Once again, the reproduction was not done in the exact same manner as before the fall. Not just physically, but mentally as well.
How reproduction happened before the fall is not entirely known.
So, no babies, and something altogether different than revealed in Scripture or nature.
Dude, it's The Dark Crystal. Once upon a time there was balance in the universe, we'll call it a Garden—er, I mean, a gem. Then the gem cracked and a noble race of beings were split into two distinct races, the evil Skeksis and the mystical urRu.
At the end of a thousand years, an astronomical event coupled with a ritual involving the crystal to grant immortality to the partakers would occur. At just the right time, a child of another race inserted the broken piece into the crystal and the Skeksis and urRu were combined into the noble race of urSkeks and balance was restored.
Question: how did the Skeksis and urRu make babies?
@MartyF : not sure, but not in the same way as the urSkeks.