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Brother Bob said:
Not changing my tune, you just don't know the tune. I was simply telling you if the devil came along, would you vote for him also?
Brother Bob said:No joke, you made false statement and are now trying to back up.
Oh, so now you're not just gunning for Obama but his wife. If you really want to "share" with people why don't you start a thread with the articles you speak of. Ken did it for Ron Paul. Faithcontender did it with Huckabee... Others have done it..Brother Bob said:No, not admitting to nothing. There is not enough room to post all the news articles on Obama and Michelle and you know it. You just bury your head in the sand and stick your finger into the wind.
Nice try, but the questions were copied and pasted....Brother Bob said:You finally made them plain what you were asking and I gave you the answer, instead of admitting it, you say, well it don't count, because answered them in another post.
Oh, I can take it.. That's not at issue... what I can't take is when people lie or spread false rumors.Brother Bob said:I posted Opinions and news articles, along with other brothers. You just can't take the truth.
Oh, that is rich! Blame me for getting threads closed... You're crazy.. How about go look at how these threads start.. Seemingly innocent enough until you guys bring out the fangs.. An example is this thread... When will Obama wave crash? I think everyone's "wave" crashes when the people find out they are just another poltican. It's always going to be business as usauall in Washington until We the People get our country back.Brother Bob said:How long do you think it will be before you cause another thread to be closed????
Thats a good idea. Go back and see who came on this thread first and if there was any malice until you came in. Yea, I like that Idea. Also, try it on the other threads you got shut down with your false accusations.JamieinNH said:
Oh, I know the tune you're trying to play... Everyone can see through your thin veils.. I wouldn't know if the devil came along, I don't think he is going to announe himself to the world quite like that. I believe he will come more like he did with Job... through his life, family and friends.
No, I didn't and I wish you would stop saying that. I would ask for an apology but I know I won't get one. You have lied about me before and haven't apologize yet, so I don't see this one coming..
Oh, so now you're not just gunning for Obama but his wife. If you really want to "share" with people why don't you start a thread with the articles you speak of. Ken did it for Ron Paul. Faithcontender did it with Huckabee... Others have done it..
If you really want to express a valid opinion, start a thread. Instead, you just come in and sling mud and then expect everyone to be quite.
Nice try, but the questions were copied and pasted....I asked the same two questions twice before you decided to answer them.. so they must have been "plain" and understandable the first time.
You just know I am right, that when asked about your opinions of Obama or any questions are asked that might make you seem wrong, you just avoid them... I never said your answers didn't count.. go back and re read the post..
Oh, I can take it.. That's not at issue... what I can't take is when people lie or spread false rumors.
Oh, that is rich! Blame me for getting threads closed... You're crazy.. How about go look at how these threads start.. Seemingly innocent enough until you guys bring out the fangs.. An example is this thread... When will Obama wave crash? I think everyone's "wave" crashes when the people find out they are just another poltican. It's always going to be business as usauall in Washington until We the People get our country back.
Bob, if you don't like what I have to say you can either ignore that thread or simply ignore me. (There is that option under this software ya know.)
Brother Bob said:Thats a good idea. Go back and see who came on this thread first and if there was any malice until you came in. Yea, I like that Idea. Also, try it on the other threads you got shut down with your false accusations.
Same goes to you about ignore me. That would be nice and this thread would still be in a debating mode, instead of an accusation mode.
Anyway, you shown your ignorance long ago.
Yea, I got inside of your head and pushed your buttons.JamieinNH said:You're just a button pusher Bob... nothing more nothing less...
So much for you ignoring me.... :laugh:Brother Bob said:Yea, I got inside of your head and pushed your buttons.
I been just leading you along to see how far you would go........
I probably would have to exclude you anyway. You don't know how to show respect towards your brethren. You don't like anyone who doesn't want Obama for president. So, we wouldn't be friends anyway.JamieinNH said:So much for you ignoring me.... :laugh:
Oh, as far as you getting into my head... well if you think you did, more power to you. You were and are no where close enough to leading me anywhere. I am sorry, but I wouldn't attend your church with the attitude and closed minded nature you have.
You see, that's how you show you don't even know me and what I want. I want Ron Paul for president. Other than him I haven't "pulled" for anyone.Brother Bob said:I probably would have to exclude you anyway. You don't know how to show respect towards your brethren. You don't like anyone who doesn't want Obama for president. So, we wouldn't be friends anyway.
Brother Bob said:I don't think so, take the whole scripture and does beheading the innocent "lead a quiet and peaceable life"?
Does it say God put them in power?
You bring God down to the level of the devil, who brought evil, not God.
Saddam was not a servant of God, please!
For rulers hold no terror for those who do right. Man, rightly divide the word of truth.
For He is God's servant to do you good.
It is a shame how scripture is used by some on this board. Do you honestly think this scripture actually fits Saddam and leaders like him, I think not. If they are of God, they only punish the wrongdoers. These leaders punished the innocent.
Can you with an honest conscious say that God gave Saddam the power to cut the heads of of the innoncent, and gas them.
Believe what you want, I do not believe that.
rbell;rbell said:All I was saying is that Christians have the responsibility to pray for those who are in power over them. Think of the first-century context. Paul wrote this of a government that was actively imprisoning him, beating him, and eventually would kill him.
If he could pray for his leaders, then I guess I oughta pray for mine, eh?
Brother Bob said:rbell;
Pray for them to do what, that is what is the important issue. These leaders that Paul was speaking of were those who looked out for their well being, not killing Christian, beheading them, making them 3rd class citizens. Sure we should pray that God would bless our leaders to do the right thing, but I will never pray for them to do evil, and that is what I am saying.
We probably could agree on this, or at least I hope so.
Could it be from ejecting out of a supersonic jet fighter over North Vietnam? Seems that I recall him saying that he broke his jaw in that ejection. Then was captured by the VC and did not receive proper medical attention until he was released 7(?) years later. Which causes him to talk with a slight lisp.rbell said:Oh, you just don't like the lump in his left cheek. :saint: :thumbs:
What is that, anyway??
What ever you do, to stay away will be the same as that of a king advocating his throne. NO vote No voice. Write in is an option. It will not get that written name in office but you will have expressed your voice.convicted1 said:As far as I am concerned, we are in a BIG OLE PICKLE here! I am Democrat, but they have been going so far left wanting to have gay marriages, gays adopting children, abortions(even 8th month partial-birth), I find it hard to pull for either Hillary or Barack. The republicans have a little more moratlity(very little), but they will finish off what's left of our economy....what GWB didn't destroy himself. I just may stay out of this election, considering what little we will get in November....we just don't have much to choose from, IMHO. I may vote this november, but I doubt it.
rbell said:Nowhere in Scripture do I see the "pray for our benevolent leaders" qualifier.
Context indicates all leaders in authority over us.
Palatka51 said:What ever you do, to stay away will be the same as that of a king advocating his throne. NO vote No voice. Write in is an option. It will not get that written name in office but you will have expressed your voice.
JerryL said:I wonder what happened to the camp that believes that God will put Obama in office if he gets in? Why are we so worried if our vote doesn't count anyway. God will have win the election who He will, right?
Yea, I will accept that Tim. Also, what time I am praying for him to do God's will, I will pray that does not include cutting my head off.........:laugh:tinytim said:Bob.. I'll be your vice!
I'll even pray for you!! lol
Just to let you know, that even if someone gets in there that I don't agree with.. I will still pray that they will do God's will...
After all, that is what prayer is... lining us up with God's will.
I think this is what others are saying... it is just not coming out right.
If we would ever get a leader in which he tries to do away with Christianity... I am not going to pray that he succeeds... but I will still pray for him... that he will turn to God before it is too late.
I will also be praying for God's will to be done... this allows myself to line up with God's will so that even if that person succeeds, and I get arrested for being a Christian... I can be content in knowing that God is in control.
My thoughts exactly. That was the point I was trying to make. I just figured I'd get the other camp to voice reason behind those types of thoughts. More than one of the Obama bashers believes that God still appoints the rulers. I supported Bush twice. I would say I was under strong delusion also.tinytim said:The scripture that people use for this situation is the one that says that God appoints kings...
But we don't live in a monarchy... we are in a constitutional republic/ democracy.... so in this case, we are our own rulers....
Because of this God expects us to rule our nation wisely...
The way he would expect kings to rule wisely, and make the best decisions.
The concept behind it, is that God is ultimately in control... and yes, he will allow even wicked rulers to rule.
And he allows his people to be ruled by wicked rulers..
Adversity helps shape our character.
And yes, I would consider Obama as wicked.. .anyone that supports Partial birth abortion is a wicked person...
Anyone that says that 2 homosexuals can unite in marriage.. is a wicked person...
Anyone that supports cloning... is a wicked person.
Anyone that believes that he is "creating" a kingdom on earth is a wicked person... and deluded...
And anyone that can support a person like this, is well, I won't call them wicked, but they are under a strong delusion.