There has not been an out and out stoppage of abortion but more or less a slowing down of funding it by tax payer money. Bush's support of adult stem cell research and blocking funding of embryonic stem cell research with tax payer money has been his "Finest Hour" IMHO.JerryL said:We had Regan and two Bush's saying for 24 years they were against abortion but where has that taken us on the abortion stoppage?
If you want a President that will over turn Roe v Wade, you'll be waiting for a very long time. First of all you need Justices that will limit RvW. For that you do need a Right to Life President.
However all the leg work for overturning RvW must be done by Congress. It is Congress that will get Justices through that will interpret the Constitution or with a liberal Congress, pass Justices that will legislate law from the bench.
It is time to get rid of this one man can change things attitude that we have these days. A President will not accomplish much if Congress is against him.
Congress should always be our focus if true change is to rule the day.